Has anyone found that anal has become painful after childbirth?

I had my daughter over 10 months ago. Prior to that I used to wallow in anal (sorry I do not want to ofend anyone). However ever since she was born via c-setion, it is impressively painful. My husband seem to be upset that I won't do it anymore, he wants me to see a doctor, but I am too embarassed. Not to be gross but I have some problems with bleeding for a correct 6 months whenever I used the bathroom. But I do not have hemmorroids. Does anyone know what could be wrong?

How influential is orthro cyclen?

You're not offending one. you sound similar to a really date :) well the reality that you used to enjoy anal back an announced become a problem would certainly probably tied it to childbirth. During the closing month of carrying your child the be the lines much lower in your abdomen. This cause a lot of pressure on the colon. Certainly closely of women do develop hemorrhoids during this time. While you say you don't hold them I'm not completely sure. He did say you have bleeding for six months but shooting exactly saying where on earth this was from. If it is anal and after anal sex consequently it could be in the internal hemorrhoids versus an external. It can also be polyp.

I do know of one woman who have this same situation but it happened after her second child. A breakneck exam with the compass my doctor and some In out surgery a month later cured the problem.

As for the "NUN" up here holding the Bible in your butt to prevent entrance. click on her avatar... she read all the anal question.. pretty strange

Mark Burnett
author - GirlsTellAll.com

After having a bm, I know when I am finished, by other going pee. Why is that?

Unfortunatelly, I cannot answer to your question next to an acurate answer. I haven't had kids on the other hand, never being pregnant any. But I just required to tell you that I wallow in anal too.-just to let you know that you are not ofending anybody. It is a thing of choice. But, I do suggest you consult a doctor from a medical point of view. And probably a therapist. I used to bleed sometimes too, it have to do with what you chomp through and the fluid intake also. All the best!


Try a anal spray that relaxes the sphincter muscles. And of course, plenty of lube!


isnt it wierd?

Well I DO find this cross-examine offensive. There are children who read these question and when they read that you claim to have once enjoy this disgusting practice and wish to resume it they will obtain the message that it is somehow acceptable behavior when it is not. Perhaps nearby was something wrong near you prior to becoming a mother that childbirth has put right. You should be giving gratefulness instead of wondering how you can again practice such a filthy and sick perversion just to slake your husbands unnatural desires.

What would u consider a high # of sexual partner for a female 27yrs behind the times?

He needs to be more sensitive to your mental state. Tell him to be more sensitive, shame him.

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