Urinating bugs?

Hi, my friend (a woman) has a kidney stone. Recently she told me that her urine have some bugs in it. She said they be moving. I dont know if it it true, but it this possible? What causes this?

A personal sound out for girls and women only?

Bugs? Um, gain off the puter and draw from your woman friend to a hospital, bugs infesting any part of the body or body bi-product is not fitting!

Does having buoyant short period expect that I have a disease/problem within a related organ ?

that doesn't sound right =tell her to purloin a sample to the Dr and see if she does

Quick ask about CRABS?

not a actual bug.

What would lead to a person to grasp bloated and "burp" what smells like sulfer?{and NO I didn't drink eggs!}

No. Kidney stones I can accept. Bugs spawn no sense whatsoever. Is she sober? If she has bugs, they may be crabs or lice falling past its sell-by date her pubic hair. She requirements checked by a medical professional. You should avoid sex with her until she have been cleared by a medical professional, check yourself, and see a doctor yourself if you too see "bugs". Is this a severely serious relationship? Good luck to you both.

When taking birth control, when do you start your period?

Urinating bugs! Probably find out the 'bugs' are in the marine tank explicitly used to flush the toilet and so after she flushes the bugs fill the toilet bowl. The when she uses the toilet she think the bugs are coming from her.

I want information on cervical inflamation?

While not common, it is possible to hold pinworms in the vagina or urinary tract. She should really see a doctor. If I thought I had bugs I would run to the ER immediately!

Why would the womanly menstrual cycle not come for months?

She might have lice surrounded by her pubic hair or something. Instead of asking some strangers on here she should seriously grasp herself checked out by a docter.

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