What is this?

hi,i just have a feeling something.when i take breath my tummy prominently goes up and down as adjectives of us does.but inspite of that around my naval area i surface tummy continuesly moving up n down very frequently.only like flickering.any opinion what is that.anyone else has anything resembling this.

How doo people exatcly gain stressed?

Question number one - when was your concluding period?
Number two - is here any chance that you could be pregnant?

Answer these and we may know how to tell you what that butterfly awareness is. ;-)

Okay, now that you enjoy added more information I think that you should jump get a pregnancy check. You ovulate (or are fertile) anywhere from 11 to 14 days after you START your period. If you have unprotected sex 2 weeks after you started ... this should make you almost 17 days late for the interval you should have already have. So chances are you are going on for 5 weeks pregnant.

You should really go bring back a pregnancy test done. Either from Wal-Mart (or wherever) or run to the doctor. If you buy one from somewhere like Wal-Mart sort sure that you take the try-out 1st thing when you get up up in the morning. That is when the hormone will show more srongly in your urine. If it say negative ... run to your doctor ... if he says no and you still hold not started then at hand may be something else wrong.

Good luck, hun.
Best wishes to you,
Elvn :-)

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