What are the risks i f i have have chlomydia for a few years and did not know?


Does sex hurt the first time for a woman? How much?

you could loose your fertility if you are female, i am not sure what affect it have on men, but please tell anyone you may own had intercourse near since you think you may hve get it and see your doc asap.

Good Luck. x x

Vaginal smells.?

its clamitia and go to a doctor and discuss it w/ him/her

I hold been nauseated for similar to two weeks straite. i am NOTT pregnant and eating make me feel better?

The prime risk for females is infertility.

Pubic Bone Pain During Pregnancy (23 weeks)?

its chlamidiya

IUD - What can you tell me something like it?

If you have be having unprotected sex, you risk spreading it. And it's chlamydia.

People said it's not ok to wear a bra or panties at dark?

you better get checked out immediate cos if its left untreated it can exact infertility, or if you do get pregnant (i'm assuming your female) it can spoil your baby. seriously, obtain it checked out ASAP

What causes your eyes to verbs?

chlamydia is a silent disease often showing no visable symtoms alot of individuals dont know they have it. In women it can head to infertility but that usually takes a long time. it can be treated beside simple antibiotics i think taken somewhere between 1 to 2 weeks. If you hold not been treated you should look in your doctor asap. he/she will inform you of all the risks and testing what affect it has have ie fertility testing. you should also inform your previous sexual partner for them to be tested. good luck hope this help

How to determine that she is faking orgasm?

It can lead to infertility in women.
If you're worried go to a sexual strength clinic for a check and use a condom.

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