Period cross-question?

I am 28 years old and hold 3 kids. I had a Tubal ligation 5 years ago. Since afterwards I have have nothing but problems next to my period. Recently (in the end 2 years I have have heavy infrequent period. They come about once every 2 to 3 months(not that I'm complaning). But when they do it is VERY HEAVY near clots. I have have the golf ball sized clots. The doctors cant confer me an explanation other than my mass. They have talk about endometrial Ablation. I dont enjoy fibriods Either.

My question is Does anyone else suffer from this? What hold thy done about it?


Lately I hold been abundantly more sleep then usual and I've be having stomach cramps(just hurting spell.)?

since i had my tubal im also irregular and i bloat so unpromising, i dont know why this happens, i hold been tested for everything and have sonos done, and they cant find out why either, i freshly drink lemon water for the bloat and exersize to keep hold of my periods regular, and try birth control to regulate your bleeding

Last month I have my period for something resembling 17 days. Now I'm having other problems.?

when I have that happen to me ,the Dr ordered a D&C and it cleared it up

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