GIRLS? help out please? *pic*?

its not a good pic, but oh well, i simply wanna know these 2 things:
1. do i look too skinny or just normal?
2. *embarassed* does it looks close to i have no b##bs?
what should i do? my body looks like 5years frail boy. *cries*

is it bcos i'm skinny? but i really do eat a lot, and still skinny.
any suggestion? what should i do?..

thanx so much!!

Click here pleaz!!?

wanna swap boddies?

you do own a flat chest but who cares buy a wonderbra!

the rest of you makes up for it your unbelievably pretty, and look nothing like a moment or two boy and thats my honest opinion

your naturally skinny so i dont presume youll ever put on more weight however much you eat, lucky git!

Can anyone give support to?...?

you enjoy no boobs because your skinny.
and yes you do look a little underweight
BUT your body is so lovely
i wish i could own your figure,
im getting there ^_^
drink more fatty foods.
i used to have NO boobs then i ate and ate and ate
till i get to 9st then i had boobs :) which be good ;)
and then i started losing my weightiness again
slowly otherwise youll lose the boobs again
and i have D cup and im 8st :)
so tis all upright
get into a steady routine of excercise :)
this probably wont help
but i did it. and im sure you could ^_^

Fertile extent?

WOW!! I hold seen your face shots but this basically confirmed what I have thought. You are gorgeous!!

Girl, you have nil to worry about. There is nought in you that looks like a 5 year weak boy. You are petite, slim, no where near skinny. You look to be small breasted but hey, you are 14. You get a while to go yet until that time you are finished growing.

And even if you are never very large within that department, don't worry. There are many dazzling women who are small like that. Kate Hudson, Keira Knightly come to mind.

Your over all attractiveness is breath taking. Don't worry about it. You are capably on your way to being a stunning woman.

A request for information just about Vaseline be season ?

omg piper your SO gorgeous!
don't verbs, tons of girls out there would kill to be as skinny as you. and no you don't look close to a 5 yr old boy. you just own a high metabolism and you're lucky to have that as okay. just to let you know, ingestion fatty foods wont help. all it will do is clear you become addicted to junk food and when you grow older and your metabolism slows down, you will win fat.


There is no normal, sorry. You look exactly approaching a g/f I had for 5 years and for me, you look exactly perfect.
It looks approaching u r a bit tall or that sofa is small, it looks like u r growing "up" past you grow "out"
There is no doubt, if I knew U, I would numeral out a way to keep U. You really look resembling the ideal grrl, by my preferences.
lol- there ain't no little bois beside hips like those - <3
If U really doubt that U R attractive U might want to start a website to sell ur photos - when U own thousands of orders for ur pix, maybe later u will believe u r attractive.

*Female Question* Best answer 10pts :D?

You have the same form of figure as me :)
I often verbs about my chest too it really depresses me sometimes.

I put on a little shipment when I started the contraceptive pill 'Microgynon 30'. But it has other side effects which are not so good. I wouldn't recommened going on it unless you truly want contraception.

But I like the general digit, its so much easier to shop for
You're very pretty!

I also eat relatively a bit and still on weight gain, Its just the track we are.

Will plan b work while ovulating.?

You are skinny..but dont worry about it you basically have a high metabolism.. you look fine and amazingly old are you by the way the elder you get the more boobs you get unless you are simply flat chested me i didnt have boobs until i turned like 17 i be a A cup until 9th grade now im a DD .. and i didnt do anything

What is it close to.?

Can I only just say that friday night I go to a concert of matchbox 20 and after the show I met the band wait in that is a point to all of this I also met the band and Rob Thomas' wife and you hold a strong resembalance to her and she is enormously beautiful + a model I think you look approaching her

How do I seize motivted,and whats the best approach to Lose Weight?

oh my god piper, you are so gorgeous. don't worry! you are not skinny at all. you are purely fine for your body structure and don't worry about bo* look great the route you are..honestly speaking,you wouldn't look good if you had boo*s on content!

I hold thsi issue please relieve!?

it seems you just own a high metabolism rate. i do too. and i can keep my UKsize 6 integer when eating loads of junk adjectives day everyday. dont worry. i know some males who in fact prefer small bodies with no boobs. just dance with what youve got. your stunning! x

Can a BJ explanation a sore throat?!?

I focus you are very 'naturally' slim, which some people a moment ago are. So don't worry about it! And for a deficit of a huge chest, think of how much easier it is to play sports and not have those things surrounded by the way haha.

Question more or less sex & bein a teen?

you look fine. great skin and hair. when i be young , i was skinny approaching you. i ate like a pig too! don't worry doll...someday it will entrap up to you! enjoy it while you can!!

What IS the point of an orgasm??

Wow you are really skinny - but goddamn you're gorgeous! It's just your body type girl - its better than have a constant struggle with your weight believe me

The spray that prolongs sex between partner, is it doomed to failure to use it if ur partner is pregnant?

Your thoroughly pretty. Your just very skinny and don't verbs your boobs will come in time.

Hellllp? length?

you look skinny, but normal, within between, it looks like you have small boobs, but trust me, their nearby


This press is for women just...(pubic stuff)?

Your body doesn't look like a boys, no way.
And i expect you look about 18.
Your very superb.

Does pregnancy overexploit and affect the shape and the charm of the body of a woman?

wow hun.. you are gorgeous!! my b##bs are small too but its just fine .you got a pretty figure!! enjoy it !!

What are the side effects of the copper iud?

You look pretty :)

How do I win rid of that 'period smell' ?

your a bit skeletal, try eating more protein and lifting weights.

Birth control & acne?

you look very obedient as is

Health insurance within USA?

you look great. but if you really want to gain wait: pig out.


Just answer the press and after i will obtain backbone to you adjectives?

your hot

Will I be verbs!?WEED!?

u r normal:) don't verbs

Took the wrong daytime pill (on microgynon 30) am I still protected?

i reckon ur pretty, i love ur photo! u don't look skinny to me, i think that ur slim not exactly "skinny"

Does missing a spell niggardly you hold cervical cancer?

Your really pretty! You shouldn't eat fatty foods jsut to gain bulk, because it will all come back to you following. Your something called fat-skinny, where you can munch through as much as you wnat and not gain anything. Except in later enthusiasm all the weight will come rear legs to you, and you don't wnat that.

Do you ever stir up response exceptionally unsettled?

a little bit too skinny for my taste, but I'd still hit it.

Orgasm spots?

About my time of year...?
Help! openly big and small breasts?
Can you orgasm 14 times?
  • Does anyone know how to switch days for birthcontrol pills so u dont enjoy a length on the weekend?
  • Period, Boyfriend relief!?

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