Why do culture right to be heard that you can you draw from pregnant by have sex on the second time of your time of year?

i had unprotected sex on saturday which was the closing day of my period. why do those say that theres a small chance that you can attain pregnant?

What does it propose!>!>!!>?

People say it because it happens. They read aloud you have a small chance of becoming pregnant because you enjoy a small chance of becoming pregnant.

The last morning of your period is probably cycle day 4 or 5. Cycle daytime #1 is the day your period starts.

Sperm can live 48 hours or so, right to be heard until cycle day #7. Typically women ovulate around cycle day #14. Should be plenty of time to not procure pregnant, but a woman's cycle isn't always typical. You can ovulate on off days.

What you are doing is essentially practicing the 'rhythm method' or trying to hold sex on 'safer' days of your cycle. Marginally better than nothing, but not a very devout way to keep yourself from becoming pregnant.

moral luck!

Can Anyone answer this for me!?

There is some evidence to show that getting pregnant on the last day of your extent is more difficult because there is no egg in your womb at that time to find fertilised. The big problem is whether the sperm can swim up into your womb and stay alive for a week or 10 days until the next egg is released - then you receive pregnant. If you definitely don't want to get pregnant, ending day sex is risky.

If youve have your time of year for 2 years, do your breasts still verbs to grow?

noway u can u have nil to worry about u can attain pregnant from the 11 to 16 day after the 1st day of your spell so on your 1st day of period count 11 days till 16 days but to be safe and sound make it 17 th day too so contained by these days have protected sex , but if its not beside a trusted partner u should always have protected sex 15 mins of emotion good aint worth a slow death sentence or herpes or something for natural life

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