Pubic Bone Pain During Pregnancy (23 weeks)?

I am 23 weeks pregnant with tot #2...and the past week I own been have Pubic Bone Pain , on the left side of my pubic bone...mostly when I hold been standing for a long length of time, or sitting too long. It doesn't feel approaching a period cramp, but more resembling a ache...almost close to a nerve. It feel better if I rub it a bit...also my hips are sore during the night, which happen with my 1st pregnancy as okay. I don't go for my subsequent doc apt till July 19th. I am worried that the baby have dropped already or is pushing on a nerve or something? I still surface movements every so often each day? Should I be feeling movements more at this stange? The kick feel lower down...could my tot be sitting to low?
Any help would be awesome!



I deem pubic pains are quite "normal" or frequent, you can read here everything that have been said and I am sure you can find more if to be exact not enough. Good luck.

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I'm 24 weeks pregnant and I've been have the same dull pain for 4 weeks. At first I thought it was because I have moved house but it is in reality a condition caused by hormones that clear the ligaments relax. It's called symphysis pubis dysplasia. You will be capable of find quite lot of info from child sites etc if you search "pubic bone torment pregnancy". Mine is quite severe and also affects the sacrum and coccyx. Make sure your obstetrician is reasonably aware of the problem and doesn't dismiss it as "one of those things".

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