Girlfriends length stopped in 2 days, should I verbs?

she said it started like it be ending, its usually bright red but it be like the region of a week ago she took the Day-After-Tomorrow pill.

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Have her do a home pregnancy testing just to be sure but most plausible the day after pill (which have a ton more hormones than a normal birth control pill) cause her to have a shorter time of year. Tell her to get on birth control, so you don't own to worry and some methods shorten period and make them smaller number painful.

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well did you have sex?

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I wouldn't verbs, but I would consider being more astute going on for using protection so you don't have to verbs about an unwanted pregnancy within future.

First time sex?

She should bear a preg. test. or she can hang around and see until next month. It may also be because she took the time after pill and it messed up her hormones.

What causes red bumps after leg wax?

it could be anything.
if she had, most probably she's not pregnant. if she took the pill afterwards, it is possible that the bleeding is a result thereof

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