Does sex hurt the first time for a woman? How much?

I am asking this question for a contestant named Rebecca golder. She seem to be worried about the hymen.

I hold a question girls.?

the hymen IS the bloody is the motion picture that is ruptured for the 1st time that bleeds for a time but once it is out of the way, later the pain should subside without beating about the bush...

sometimes that hymen is extremely frustrating in that it is a bit flexible and may or may not bleed the first then..UNTIL it breaks it will be a tad stinging...but remember that the guy DOES NOT want to hurt he can be reluctant to break through...he doesn't want you to cry and is munificent of "a rock and a soft place" (sorry nothing "hard" almost a vagina-except breaking the hymen ;)

i am led to believe that the more you relax and agree to the situation take perfectionism of itself..the less it will hurt...

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Could you not own told her? Yes, sex was discomfited to me the first time! How much is relevent!

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yes it hurts. I cried but I loved the person and he took it slow and be sympathic about it. That is really what u entail

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Well u can read aloud tat, but i have to acknowledge it hurts a lot for the first time but if u try again following then it wouldnt hurt tat much

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yes very much!

Im on the pill but hold still been bleeding for 4 weeks immediately?

For about the first few times it will be hurting especially if you are not properly stimulated.Don't forget to use protection at all times.

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it's really not THAT fruitless... I think greatly of girls like to exagerate.

For me it be like getting pinched

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It doesn't hurt THAT doomed to failure. For every girl it is different though. For me, it was a sharp strain and the second time he out it in it feel a lot better. The first put within is the worst I thought, but afterwards it's fine. Just don't worry something like it. You'll be just fine. :)

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yeah it wud pain. the extent of the stomach-ache depends on ur ability to withstand it. ut it wud be a great pleasure.
it wud be better if u experience yrself n explain it to her.

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