Vaginal smells.?

Is it bad to hold a slight odour coming from your vagina? Because some people enunciate it's normal and some speak that it's probably an infection. I know that I don't have an infection, but some times within's just a smell. and i be wondering if it's normal? Could it be the discharge? I purely want some straight forward answers! Thanx

Has anyone experienced these problems?

most women do not smell. women have an odor. it can be run of the mill but it could be a yeast infection or bacterial infection that you could use medication for. check with your obgyn and procure an examination. regardless of whether it's a smell or an odor, women promise with this everyday and it's more than adjectives to have an infection. shift to the obgyn and talk to them and know if you hold discharge, what color it is and when it occurs as very well as what smell it smells like to you...this will assistance diagnose if there is a problem.

Why shouldn't i wear tampons on the first daytime of my period?

go to a womens robustness clinic and get a check out
you may hold a yeast infection, it is so common

I am 16 years ancient and my breasts are floppy wat should ido?

All woman have a slight smell.. Some strogner than others.. It could be your inborn odor.. If the smell is stronger than usual it could be one of 2 things.. either u arent wash yourself properly down there(not trying to be rude or call u dirty) or that u do inface own an infection.. If the odor comes with a discharge that is to say different than normal and is itchy u could hold a yeast infection.. If u are truly concerned about this odor i would voice to go to the doctor... I hope this have helped.. and gl

Why could do me to menstruate every two weeks?

if it's followed by yellow or green discharge, it's probably an infection.

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