Are you scared of dieing beside cancer i are?

is any one scared they will get hold of cancer and die from it in stomach-ache because i are


Stomach fat?

No one wishes to die premeturely, but I think you are more concerned roughly speaking dying, and dying painfully. Be assured, within are very powerful painkillers that can minister to in pallitive nurture.(that's care of the dying). Being afraid of dying is not duplicate as being afraid of Death. Lingering in a sensitive illness as your body degenerate is not the same as individual hit by a bus. Once you're dead, you're not around to be bothered by the thought of it. If you are terminally in poor health, death is a perpetual shadow, a constant presence, an unwelcome guest.

To take to mean life, everyone have to understand it is finite. All your travels, possibilities, opportunities are adjectives limited and nested in a finite existance. Anyone who tries to ignore this reality is engaged surrounded by a futile pursit to escape the inescapable. That is why you should make the most of existence and health while you can. Make your energy a good one surrounded by the time you've got. I remember someone unfolding me once 'It's not a rehearsal, this is it.'

Keep yourself in the moment. That ability not worrying about yesterday or tommorrow, focus on living respectively day for it's own sake. You can't conveyance the past, and you can't see into the adjectives, so don't think in the order of what illnesses may or may not afflicit you, just try to live as healthily as you can minus torturing yourself, oh and chocolate is good for you. Rejoice within small pleasures.

So many population sleepwalk in their lives, doing the things they be aware of they ought to be doing, instead of what's important. Look at the number of general public who spend endless hours at work! Why? If they died tomorrow, the company would soon find a replacement. They should be spending time beside the people that would miss them if they be gone. Sometimes it takes a jerk like 'you've one and only got a few months to live' that make them wake up and ditch the mission, take a holiday and spend time near those they love. Don't waste time, do it in a minute! Live!

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You is??

Work on your grammar,hun.THEN verbs about a raw death.

Cramp trouble =[?

no, because your only just weird. or really really...
really... really weak.

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can u ask that q again using proper grammer?

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Could also work on spelling,

dying, not dieing

And who isn't worried of dying a painful, disease ridden departure?

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i are? you are stoopid!

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terrified i receive all my test smear/ breasts etc but constantly check myself

Im crappin meself!?

first of all it is i am and second of adjectives dont think of the later think of the presently and dont worry in the region of how u r gonna depressing

First period coming soon?

If you enjoy cancer and you're dying, they usually pump you up with adjectives sorts of delicious painkillers, so you don't quality...anything.

And then you die.

Everyone dies, whether it be from cancer, a rock thrown stale of a highway overpass, or a meteor....we'll all die, eventually.

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my mum died of stomach cancer at the same age i am in a minute. the thought does cross my mind now and consequently. my grandad and uncles also died from cancer so it seems to run surrounded by our family

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Most people who take cancer recover from it. Catching it rash can give someone every opening of survival and many cancer are so treatable now, that the fatality rate is extremely low. But, it is other wise to check for lumps doesn`t matter what gender you are. And if you ever find something, don't freak-out as plentifully of lumps are benign.

Is it normal to enjoy your period, catch off it, later have it come fund?

agree with first answer! LOL
really, I don't resembling the idea of dying of cancer, especially as I own nursed so many through it, and know how awful it can be! But nearby really is no point worrying, as it might not ever happen to you anyway

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what school be you in if any

I get married 3 months ago , we have sex 2 times on a daily basis?

Of course- most people are upset of developing cancer and dying in pain..

But you can't consent to it rule your life.. What's the point of living if you spend adjectives your time worrying about dying?

If you believe about this adjectives the time and worry almost it- I would recommend seeing your GP, tell him/her in the region of your worrys and ask about abet with anxiety and buff thoughts.


yes i have that suspicion.

Do you start your period on one and the same day as your best friend?

Not really.

Cancer is contained by my family. Cancer within most cases, is curable if found early adequate - depending on the type.
If I get it, I receive it. If I don't, I don't.

You need to stop worrying roughly speaking something that may never happen and verbs with time.
You have a superior chance of getting struck by lightening than getting cancer.

Girls sound out, PLEASE help!!?

Cancer scare me more than any other illness but you can't verbs about dying the total of your life otherwise you could call a halt up missing the precious little time you are given to enjoy your self while your alive.Stop mortal stupid and start enjoying your self while you still can,you could take hit by a bus tomorrow and would all your worrying hold been worth it afterwards?

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I hold no fear of cancer whatsoever. But if you perceive there are lots of relations around who have an agenda that it is adjectives for you to be afaid like insurance companies. You must monitor the Secret Whatever you think around most is what you attract into your life!

Normal Symptoms? Serious answers appreciated.?

There is a disorder callead vigour anxiety disorder, and it sounds like you may own it. It is terrible and take over your life. With appropriate screening and hasty detection many of these cancer can be treated and cured. It is not the death sentence that it used to be, and remember we usually solely hear about the horror stories and not the survival stories. Six member of my family enjoy had cancer and single one died. The remaining five have gone on to organize healthy and productive lives. I lug what you say really seriously and regard that you may benefit from some counselling/therapy to try and establish where your fears stem from and how you can stop worring and start living. Good luck.

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I do hold a fear of dying that I'm trying to traffic with. There are so oodles thinks associated next to causing cancer that I try not to reflect about it. Just put away your 5 a day, after at least you know your doing something to prevent cancer.

I hope you quality better soon. The best thing would be to come to vocabulary with your fear-and I know how easier said than done that is.

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