Did he move something inside of me during sex?

Hey. In one of the more recent times that my boyfriend (of two years) and I had sex, he stopped suddenly. I asked what be wrong and he said he felt resembling he'd pushed something aside inside of me and was worried. The best he could describe is that where on earth he usually feels as if he's hitting a "posterior wall" (that's been in attendance the whole time), he no longer feel it. He said he felt it when we started that time and contained by one strong thrust, all of a sudden, no more. Of course I be hysterical, not knowing what this meant and wondering if he'd done some unadulterated damage. There's be no bleeding, no pain, and I lost my virginity nearly eight years ago, so I don't guess there are hymen issues. In the times we've be together since then, I've be so worried that he's moved something (and is still moving it every time) that I can't truly enjoy myself. Is this adjectives in my mind? Or is it possible that he's truly done something? God forbid, ruining my womb?

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it sounds similar to the cervix. it might be tilted or slightly inverted. you should go to your gyno and acquire checked out and talk near her/him about it. you might involve to use different positions or go a moment or two easier with the thrusts.

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It was probably simply your cervix. You should be fine, however if you are that worried about it you can other go to a gynecologist to capture it checked out.

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Are you serious?
The vagina will elongate itself.
It sounds approaching you finally got excited.

I be told that if you take your nex pack of BC on the week your interval is supposed to come that it wont come?

I doubt it mamita. Because God designed the vagina especially for a penis so nothing go wrong. If you didn't feel anything next nothing's wrong.

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I am thoughtful of worried?

When it gets really drizzling, it slides past that item it hits..
i've felt it hitting something n it uasually does..
but if oral sex happen before sex...it hits the article a few times but when i thrust all the method..it moves it...

Probably just because u be wetter then other times or something

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