What does PMSing plan?


Work out and diet?

It stands for pre-menstrual syndrome, and it's the effects a woman experiences from the hormonal changes her body go through before she menstruates. Some symptoms of it can include moodiness, bloating, acne, cravings and sore breasts.

I havent talk about this ever really?


Can i be or am i simply thinking to much?

putting up with mens * post menstal syndrome

Can sperm live outside the body exposed to nouns for more than 4 hours?

in old times it meant
Pisted Maiden Standback
they didn't spell virtuous back afterwards he he he

Today: pre-menstrual syndrome

when you use it in a sentence they are usually chitchat about adjectives the wonderful aches and pains and irritability you take. Along with hose weight gain.

I am coming up to 40years infirm,and for the last couple of month i carnt see to do anything?

pre-menstrual symptom

I'm losing sexual feeling.any model why?

how old are you?

Girls.requirement ur advicesex question?

Pre - Menstural - Stress.

it is what occur roughly a week before your interval.. it can make you really upset and angry and you draw from pains in your lower abodomen... (also wit your period you seize pains) it doesn't affect all girls but most.of them. a great cure for stomach-ache is chocolate and bananas!

Pregnancy/Period Question from a Boyfriend?

hi i take it you are pre-pubescent? your mom should own had a agree with you in the order of womens body functions .and getting on the ragg.in my house it stands for Pissing of Man Syndrome.it happens monthly and we are forced to travel out all hours of the hours of darkness to buy tampons and lots of chocolate and ice cream for the PMS ers.

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