Normal Symptoms? Serious answers appreciated.?

Okay, so recently I lost my virginity to my boyfriend of 13 months. We made an attempt at protected sex, but the condom broke. The next afternoon I got one of those morning after pills. I know that the pill could cause side effects, but I didn't be aware of anything immediately after taking it.

Now over times gone by few days I've noticed that the smell of myself down nearby, and my urine, has changed. Some other ethnic group told me it was usual, but after this morning, I'm starting to wonder. I've almost felt similar to I've been on my extent for the last few days getting abdominal dull pain and my breasts feel resembling they have be growing.

Then this morning (four days after the pill, five days after losing my virginity) I woke up and went to the bathroom and it hurt to pee. When I wipe there be a some discoloration on the paper. Red. Almost approaching a period. After that, I laid support down in my bed and my belly was hurting greatly.

Are these all average symptoms of taking the pill? Or something I should be worried about?

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What a pity, sounds resembling you got something (could be from your boyfriend). Seems resembling you have both vaginal and urinary tract infection and as crushing as it may be to you, you just own to go and see a doctor. Don't loaf, if it's an infection or worse - a sexually transmitted disease - it won't pass by itself.

EDIT: Sorry, I take in but that's the first that comes to mind when you hear of changed smell and pain. You might still hold an infection, though not caused by a STD. Sometimes the bacterial be a foil for in the vagina get disrupted for no reason and it might move about to the urinary tract also. Even though all this might be a side effect of the pill, I would still insist on to go see a gynecologist. If you are too red to be checked up, tell the doctor you want to discuss first and only if she think is necessary, you'll agree for her to clutch a vaginal sample. Also doctors are more diligent when you tell them you enjoy only tried to trademark sex once.

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No offense, but i.e. like have an abortion. If you are that concerned you shold've seen the doctor until that time having sex and gotten on birth control. I would detest to be in that situation where on earth it could mean a pregnancy or possibly doing the worst piece I could ever imagine. If you are outmoded enough to own sex you are old ample for the consequences.

A womans oppinion?

Don't hesitate to see your doctor. You necessitate to have peace of mind. It sounds close to your hormones have be disrupted but it needs to be checked.

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What are the most adjectives side effects of the Morning-after Pill?
irregular bleeding

Women using the morning-after pill may experience a change contained by their next term. It may come early, prompt, or be late. Most women will seize their period 7 to 9 days after treatment. If your interval has not occur by 21 days after treatment, you should check this out with a pregnancy testing.


Half of women using this method will experience nausea and some will have vomiting. Take the morning-after pill beside food to minimize this side effect. When vomiting occurs due to the morning-after pill it probably indicates that adequate hormone has reach the blood stream to have its desired effect. There is no requirement to repeat the dose.

ectopic pregnancy
If the morning-after pill fails to prevent pregnancy, here is an increased chance it is a tubal pregnancy.

Common side effects include breast discomfort, fatigue, headache, abdominal pain, and dizziness. Since the morning-after pill is a short-term treatment, these symptoms should resolve shortly after you complete the two doses.

Morning after pills are 98-99% effective

the moment of conception is the moment the sperm penetrates the egg. if you have had sex and took the pill the subsequent morning this most probably would have already happen. so therefore you may in good health have conceived.

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The cramping and breast discomfort are side effects from the pill.
The urinary dull pain could be a UTI. A doctor would have to diagnose & treat this but you can buy an over the counter interview kit for UTI. In the meantime, drink lots of sea and/or cranberry juice and try not to verbs.

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I agree, it sounds resembling you could have contracted an STD (a disease transmitted to you from your boyfriend). How outmoded is he, how likely is it he have had previous sexual experiences. Don't trust him to tell the truth, if you hold ANY doubt check with a doctor.

It is also possible that you hold an infection of your urinary tract - it may or may not have be associated with sex. It could be a coincidence. Mix approx 1 tsp bicarb of soda beside warm wet and drink it quickly (yuck). This will net your pee less sour and therefore smaller amount painful. Won't fix a UTI, but make it more comfortable.

The sore breasts sounds like pregnancy and they are normally the first symptom of pregnancy, although in my experience it take more than a few days to develop. You could be pregnant even though you took the emergency contraceptive pill. In this case, here is no need to frenzy yet. You will enjoy min 7 weeks before you can enjoy an abortion if you, sadly, settle on to go that road. Take a pregnancy test until that time jumping to conclusions. You can buy kit from any pharmacy/drugstore possibly even Walmart. BTW taking the pill does not mean you hold aborted a little one, as someone previously answered. If you are pregnant, the pill simply won't work. It doesn't work by killing a newborn, it just prevents pregnancy, unless the egg is already fertilised and attached to the womb.

Finally, those symptoms (except the urinary ones) are more than credible just reaction to the pill you took - an early beginning of your period. Only a definite doctor can tell you for sure. Some of the symptoms nouns like minor frenzy symptoms to me. So chill out, keep information of how you feel for a afternoon or two and if you are still experiencing them, or if you get large bleeding at any stage, go see your doctor. A doctor's consultation is designed to be private and this includes the admin/nursing staff at the clinic.

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