Girls question, PLEASE relieve!!?

im going to a water park tommorow and i own my period, but im afraid to use a tampon, is it possible to use a outstandingly small pad surrounded by water, or no? if, how do i insert a tampon?!?


Girls only please!?

sry honey but pad absorb river and ur in a pool. tampons are really the best process to go heres how to put one within:

1st: RELAX! this is no big deal.
2nd: lay on your pack beside your legs open
3rd: push the tampon in at an angle towards your
rear legs bone
4th: make sure its surrounded by all the course, if it's not it may hurt a little
(it won't receive lost "up there")

if this doesn't work just keeping trying, you'll achieve it soon. HOPE I HELPED!

Why is my period unpunctually?! [plan b taken within 48 hrs]?

Pads and river won't work, and there are instructions in the tampon box.

Women please comment?

Dont use a wipe is discusting it may fall bad and get surrounded by the water and its going be imberasing when culture see it floating just use a tompon in recent times read the instructions in the box.

Im goibg on birth control and im wondering..?

no a pad absorb your bodily fluids so it will just occupy the water straight away
if you unfold a box of tampons you get an instruction sheet that take you through all the steps .. the switch is just to relax so your muscles contained by the vagina don't tense up and take home it harder to insert a tampon
hope this helps!

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You verbs back your labia (the flap of skin that covers your vagina and clitoris (the erectile bit, or what your pee comes out) and insert the tampon (plus the plastic part covering it) roughly halfway through the vagina and push down on the applicator and it's in... It should not quality uncomfortable, but if it does, try it again, but next to your mom's help. She'll probably know plentifully more about that next me... And p.s. do not use a pad at the waterpark because the wad would become so enlarged and soaked up. Water and pads do NOT mix together :) Good luck...

Childbirth anguish?

Don't use a pad hold your mom help!

Could I be approaching menopause?

You DO realize a wad will soak up the pool water and not your flow right?

Use a tampon or do not budge in the dampen.

My girlfriend, is on the pill, had a changeable period, direction?

no you really can use a pad within the water unless you want to sit out of hte hose the whole time.. jsut bring a box of tampons (like tampax pearl) and read the directions and RELAX... you will get it and will loose change your week on your period!

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