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i shave below the belt as most women do...but im still a virgin an i just wan to know are you guys picky about if its a moment or two stubbily or does it have to be perfectly smooth caz perfesctly smooth seem nearly impossible

Answers:    Perfectly smooth is nearly impossible haha i'm not a guy and i'm also a virgin but i have been told that guys do not thinking at all but here are a few tips shave the direction the hair lays not against it. apply little one oil than shaving cream before you shave and after you shave apply more child oil. also try not to go over alike spot more than two or three times it makes you get really impossible razor burn..
Perfectly smooth IS impossible if you're shaving unless you have drastically very fine hairs down near, plus it is very uncomfortable if you shave everything and they start to grow stern. And guys are harrier than girls, so it wouldn't be right for them to expect the impossible from a female. If a guy ever expected me to be perfectly balding, then I would probably tell him "same go for you then." I say if you're that worried in the region of it and you have a high tolerance for stomach-ache, get a bikini wax. I've never personally have one, but I imagine it would be perfectly smooth afterward.

Side information: Why do people on here keep assuming that if you're a virgin, you must be babyish? You never once mentioned your age lol.
It seems that you like to be nude and to be touched down here..
i love that,, and guys do look on that,, some of them like it totally shaved, and some like it trimmed..
i do shave it some times near a style and they like it.
if you are a lesbian, girls like it shaved more than trimmed..
i love how most men are human being so mature to this question.
but yea, i'd catch it waxed, but wait till you if truth be told start getting active, theres no point now.

if u shave immediately, since its such a sensitive spot, it will get bumps and it just wont be smooth anymore. wax, you go through the pain once a month and ur fitting :].
Most women don't shave, or wax. That is manly reserved for porn stars. It does send out confusing signals if a virgin is shaved. It suggests that you are already sexually active.
Does your mom know you shave? i would disapprove if my young did. i want her to be pure. it is nearly impossible to be perfectly smooth all of the time. even if you wax, you own to wait for your hair to grow long satisfactory in between waxes. If i guy really like you, he wont be at all concerned with rather stubble..
lol well if your a virgin..why do u really care..i mingy ur not having sex if ur a virgin rite..so no one will be looking down here..

and well who really cares what a guy wishes..i mean just own him deal with it..i really dont come up with u should have to worry just about it..i mean juz cut it if it gets out of mitt..like to long or something...
Smooth is best, stubbly is okay. Hairy is unacceptable.

We become conscious that you can't shave everyday. We'd sure appreciate it if you'd consider waxing though. We think that would be AWESOME..
my boyfriend never care about if it was best. it is impossible and if you try to get too close with a blade you'll get razor burn or ingrown hair. They just don't want the hair to carry in the way. I ruminate you're good. honestly , i think that you should do some caring of design . me i perfer a landing strip but there is alot of other designs . but when it comes to completly shaved i dont deduce your b/f or who ever will mind if its a little stubbly. hope i helped=].
I prefer perfectly smooth, so it's devout to shave just beforehand. But it's okay if it isn't, I don't expect all women to be ultimate. You should try waxing though, it'd probably be better. I love my woman clean shaven because I despise a mouth full of hair.Ever since she has gotten rid of that bush she get alot more attention if you know what I mean and she keeps it verbs all of the time so she must like it..
You should seize laser hair removal if you can afford it, otherwise sugaring is better than waxing even. I would individual shave as a last resort. Stubble is not good. Finn...you are an idiot. Pedophiles close to CHILDREN. Hair or not. And to answer your question. Smooth or stubble, what man in his right mind would really complain..
Its ok As long as the guy dont own to go through loads of poofy hair they will approaching it and what guy wont like a " Below the belt" most men aren't going to care as long as they're getting pussy. I know I don't..
no guys arent usually picky if you want smooth, try wax. it grows back softer and really isnt too painful once you catch used to it. .
argh you shouldn't shave. these hairs protect it from bacterias. smooth is the best but if you cant get it that instrument thats fine most ppl dont care.
I like it trimmed down, I know its tricky to keep it clean shaven adjectives the time.

As long as its not all bushy hanging out.
no a lil bit is fine. without blemish smooth means shaving constantly As long as its not a red rash near pimples and spiky little hairs than its all fitting. .
don't worry you are fine ,guys like lol I don't draw from why anyone would do that. Are you trying to attract a pedophile or something?.
you should just wax..no razor burn..and its smooth for a month newly as long as it aint a jungle down there a guy wont care..
very well for me as a grown up it really depends if it matches her. dont know any other way to explain shut up..
it must be without fault smooth. if its stubbily then it has the potential of scratch your partner. best to avoid that. good luck in your adjectives sexcapades. I shave aswell and any female that does not that is purely gross!!...But I agree it is IMPOSSIBLE to get it smooth unless u want massive RAZOR burn.

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