What does it be set to if u might be pregnant but it is the wrong guys?

ok i am 16 and have this boyfriend.im white and he is black.i slept near these two guys one is black and the other is hispanic.What do i do if the baby is hispanic? Should i transmit all of them or some of them?

If you bleed after sex for the first time, how much are you supposed to bleed?

Wait until the kid is born and get a paternity trial.

I need a workout routine for a gym for thirty minutes everyday?


Hey Girls Help Me Please!!?

You should tell both of them and keep hold of your legs shut. We'll be seeing you on Maury!!

How do i know if epesiotomy was sewn adjectives the way?

16- Consider other option besides motherhood-
You are clearly not ready.

Periods [ girls simply! ]?

Later on in the pregnantcy win a DNA test to find out who it is consequently tell them your pregnant and after tell the father!

How do you receive rid of the Cankers on my tonge?

you should really stop being a * and respect yourself..

Hi, i'm 13 and 5 months, and i be wondering what the average size bra is for a girl my age. Am I too small?

you have to be honest near everyone involved. pitty u might be pregnant at such a young age and un wed.

Women at what age do u start shaving you privates how recurrently do u do it?

What will you do? If you are going to indulge in adult routine, then you must be prepared for the consequences...you'll enjoy to grow up fast and brand some decisions.

Details on bikini wax please?

you're 16, not using protection, sharing germs w/at least 3 guys, and you wonder if the kid might be hispanic. grow up! quit acting close to a kid since you've decided to construct an adult conclusion to have sex. find a nurse or doctor to insist on you about the pregnancy. don't incline a kid to be a waste within society like its mother.

I know this isn't condition, but from a girl's point of view, what should i do.?

The truth other comes out whether you want it to or not. You really shouldn't be sleeping around with more than one guy, especially at your age but what's done is done but your little one deserves to know who their father is. I didn't know mine until I was 28 & it's not reasonable to the child

New to this whole sex piece?

Tell all of them that here is a possibility that they may become fathers. At lowest they can't call you a fraud of you tell the truth. You owe it to your infant. good luck..

How noteworthy is it for me to get a pap smear after have sex even though I know my guy is STD free?

Of course you should tell adjectives of the guys, it's the moral and proper thing to do for your infant. If you are concerned get a DNA audition to find out who is the father of your baby. And why are you have unprotected sex with multiple partner at 16? Not my life though so I'm not going to go-between. Hope you get it adjectives worked out.

Do you guys wax or shave your armpits?

You need to recount them and you need to want medical attention. If you can't afford it, please go to planned paternity and get the support you and that baby want!

Should a girl wax her arms?

It means that you hold a whole lot to revise about sexuality, roughly speaking contraception and about commitment. It also process that you've never learned how to merit yourself.

Yes, if you had intercourse beside any of your partners when you might own conceived this cihld, you must tell respectively of them. They have a right to know roughly this.

If your not on the pill and you take one while your on your interval will you stop bleeding ?

I think first of adjectives we need to address the legitimate problem here. You need to instigate to learn to preserve your legs together. Do you understand what I am wise saying here? You are 16 and already have be sleeping with multiple partner, what the hell are you thinking anyway. Or maybe that's the problem...you aren't thinking.

I strongly suggest you commence to respect yourself, your body and stop sleeping around like a cheap trick. The subsequent thing you should do is find a pregnancy test and a assessment for all the STD's that are going around. Then, discuss next to someone birth control and next discuss morality.

Change your go now, childlike lady, you are head down a very desperate path. You still own time, don't waste it.

Certain Dri?

Definately adjectives of them what if something happens to the child within a few years down the road lord forbid and the father is the only next to the right blood type or bone marrow or something to that effect and the guy you told was the father be not and could not do anything to help out the child he thought be his you owe it to your babies health to do that I know it will be tough to convey them but if you are strong enough to be geared up to be a mother I believe you can do this GOOD LUCK!! Oh also you will have inhabitants yelling at you and putting you down but the truth of the concern is you are already pregnant just do what is right for you and your child.Yes you are youthful and it will be hard and I hope you enjoy support to help you hang on to your head up and you will obtain through this.If you need anyone to have a word with please contact [email protected].

Antibiotics and birthcontrol?

First, you obligation to tell your mother. Scared to? - too bleak, you made an adult choice and you presently need to facade your problem like an full-size. Next you need to be upfront near both boys. If one of them sticks around, consider yourself lucky.

A dream question?

for one, don't own sex until you know your ready for everything that can come next to it. well, your too belatedly for that. how about not sleeping around? oh...too overdue for that too. wow, looks like you screwed up and inevitability to face both boys involved, and your parents. own fun with that. and subsequent time, use a condom, or better yet, don't enjoy sex when your so irresponsible....

Periods..1st one over and second one to come??

Do you know having sex beside different guys can give you a type of cervical cancer ?
What if adjectives of them are black,does that make it OK ?
The kid needs to know it's rear legs ground-for inherited disease's.
DNA from adjectives men .That does not mean any of them will want to marry you .

Does anyone know if nearby are any foods/drinks can make menstrual cramps worse? If so, what are they?

i can singular hope u are not pregnant, how about for a time respect for yourself, what do u mean should i give an account all of them or some, are u stupid or are you stupid, if you plan on have a baby brand sure you mature amazingly quickly, inflict your baby wishes a woman as a mother not a dumb little girl, so what u going to do if you have a little one ..... apply for food stamps!!! or flip burgers to support your child, don't think any of the guys you give it up so easy to will backing you, i doubt you finished high college
its unbelievable that within this day & age any feminine as young as you are have to get pregnant, very well lets hope you aren't & the merely reason i hope you are not is for this little poor newborn who is born to such irresponsible individual as you are

Can I get oral herpes from making out?

Stop playing around
Look after yourself
Use condoms
The knees should be together.

read the capital.

What are some great abdominal workouts that you can do at home?

To answer your first question, it method that you are not very develop or responsible and not very smart any. With the behavior that you are describing, you may not have to verbs about anything for greatly long. At 16 years old, you are taking an awful lot of risks that could result in massacre you, your partners, your ancestral members and your babe-in-arms With the diseases that are out there today, and the schooling that is provided to babyish people, I don't read why there are so heaps teenagers still having unprotected sex, and next to multiple partners to boot. You could already enjoy contracted HIV, hepatis C or any of a number of other STD's and could be endorsement this on to your unborn child, and your other sexual partners. Also the certainty that you have admit to sleeping with at least possible 3 different guys, tells me that you are unquestionably not in love beside any of them, or you would not be with 3 of them. Does not nouns like a party who is mature satisfactory to be considering raising a child regardless of who the father is. You probably should give an account all of them so they can adjectives get tested for diseases and treated, if nearby is a treatment available for what you may have help to spread around.

Time to get IUD removed?


About every 2-3 months, I become incredibly oversexed ?

Congratulations for your pregnancy. Having a babe-in-arms is a beautiful and a huge entity. Carrying another life within your body...how great is that?

Who cares in the region of how you got pregnant? It could be a stupid grounds or a great reason...it's adjectives the same since it did closing stages up making you have a child. Sure some race are happy and not...but you can other make it better as long as you work unyielding for it.

But generally, it is reasonably hard for childlike women like you to not single take carefulness of yourself, take contemplation of your child. Before you talk to any of your boyfriend, I suggest you to read the knit below and think nearly talking to your parents. Then you can opt what to do...

It may be hard for you to adopt this, but this is not only your enthusiasm anymore. Your most of life time will be devoted to your child...Think okay, plan ahead and be ready as much as you can. Think "what is the best for your child" more than anything.

I hope you and your child will be thrilled in the extremity. I hope things will get better for you and please pilfer care of yourself. Good luck!

Red/brown discharge?

It money you're slutty.

Step one is to stop sleeping with boys altogether. You're evidently not mature ample to be having sex contained by the first place. Step two, take a pregnancy assessment before you verbs about who your babydaddy is.

If you are pregnant, the best item you could do at this point is tell adjectives three of them they are potential fathers and hold a DNA test done. It's possible to enjoy a DNA test done while you are still pregnant but I wouldn't recommend it unless you enjoy to have an amnio done anyway because that's a procedure that does hold some risks for the baby especially since you're so youthful.

If you're pregnant, I would highly recommend going to a teen pregnancy center, they can abet you make sure you lift good attention of your baby both back and after it is born and give you some counseling so you can start making better decision in energy.

Menstrual cycle?

Sorry honey there is no such entry as the wrong one. You picked who you slept with, the egg picked which one fertilized. That is only the way it go. If you don't want to get knock up you shouldn't be $crewing around. May as well update them both, could be eithers.

How long will it take me to win back to my run of the mill weight?

It channel you have unprotected sex near someone other than your boyfriend.

You own a few options...

1. hold it, find out who's it is and keep it and elevate it with or short the guy who is the father. You may have to drop out of arts school to raise it & afterwards get a situation to provide for it if you dont have a correct family that will minister to you for the next couple of years while you finish conservatory and grow up.

2. abortion

3. adoption

If none of these sound right...its kinda too bad right in a minute, if you are indeed pregnant. If you are not, go to the clinic, carry some birth control and USE it if you cant control your urges.

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