If you bleed after sex for the first time, how much are you supposed to bleed?

The next light of day after I had sex for the second time ever, I'm any bleeding a lot, or I own my period. I didn't ruminate it would be my period because mine simply ended roughly speaking a week ago. It could be an irregular cycle, I don't know.

Why do I feel so unexpected??

It could be an irregular period, BUT from what I remember, my first be bloody but it was a different characteristics of blood. There was a big amount, but it was withered and didn't have clots approaching a period.

Bleeding from your hymen should not verbs, it's a simple tissue break that releases blood. If it's for more than a couple of hours, it's probably an irregular period. If you are cramping or surface pain down in that, you should see a doctor. If finances are an issue, Planned Parenthood is a great resource for inexpensive doctor visits.

Now that you are live, GET A PAP SMEAR- see your doctor!

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