Time to bring IUD removed?

I had my IUD inserted in January and since afterwards have have almost non-stop bleeding, cramping, and weight gain. I hold never had kids and own the Mirena IUD.

For the past few weeks I've have what I thought was a stomach virus that I couldn't shake (because my b/f have it as well), but it is now reaching four weeks and I am still vomiting each day. I took a pregnancy test and it be negative. I started spotting finishing night (after not spotting for going on for 4 days), with horrible cramps, contained by addition to agony in my stomach ... stomach virus approaching pain (if that make sense). Tonight the bleeding is heavier, cramping worse, and I vomited twice today.

I know they said that the first six months are tough... I have mixed emotion about have it removed as I stuck it out this far, but I don't want to deal next to this much longer. I made an appointment with my OB/GYN but that's not for another 2 weeks (the earliest I could receive in).

Could the IUD cause these symptoms (the vomiting mainly).

I am 25/F

Can the contraceptive shoot cause immensity gain?

The IUD is generally used for women that own already had kids because it can cause perforation of the uterus. If your boyfriend have a stomach bug, then he most possible gave it to you-but the bleeding in combination near everything else is cause for concern.

You should appointment the doctor, if you can't pay, and they bring it up freshly give them a generic 'The check be mailed a week ago' kinda answer (if they influence they haven't gotten it, act upset and utter you have to receive a call to your bank), but achieve the info you need from a nurse.

Regardless of your insurance status, if it's really fruitless, and you feel ill-you have need of to see someone. Hell, if I need to, I will aid you find a place for emergency medical treatment. Just get see.

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You need to travel to urgent care and catch checked out. The vomiting and stomach problems for over 4 weeks is not normal and say something is wrong that needs to be treated immediately. Go in in a minute and get checked out in the past something serious happens.

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i don't know if the vomiting is due to the IUD, but it sounds close to you are having some clear-cut issues with it. the hospital HAS to treat you. they cannot turn anyone away.

Perhaps not mental. I prespire dripping and hold to dry off. It is unyielding to coool down?

It is possible that your IUD has pierced your vaginal wall. You should not be vomiting or cramping this inadequately. Go to an Emergency Room.

When its time for my period, i bring back overly emotional, I cry going on for everything, any suggestions?

go to er now/they have to treat y /money or not

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