Can I bring oral herpes from making out?


I need suggestion. im about 6 weeks pregnant?

Yes. Oral herpes occur in nearly 80% of the US population. Contrary to nursejessi, it can be transmitted regardless of whether any symptoms are present. Most of the population who audition positive for oral herpes contracted it as a child from a relative.

Oral herpes is caused contained by nearly all cases by HSV1. Genital herpes is cause by HSV2 about 90% of the time. Herpes is spread through direct contact - it is possible to spread herpes from your mouth to the genitals through oral sex.

In broad oral herpes is not considered a big deal. My doctor told me not to alter my conduct (i.e. I shouldn't feel obligated to disclose prior to kissing) and most doctors won't question paper for this unless you specifically request to be tested. I think it's far-reaching to understand this because it help understand the risks. I've read on these boards that most empire won't stay with someone near herpes however they don't realize the rate of infection and the medical community's position.

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The first gynocologist drop by.?

Yes you can if the other person have a open cold sore on in attendance mouth or inside there mouth.

Can someone please oblige me? :(?

yes you can, like cold sores

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Probably all of us are carrier of the virus, but you aren't showing it... it can break out when you are for example experiencing extreme stress ( for example when you are very upset more or less something- like a divorce etc...)
If the party you are making out doesn't have it, after you shouldn't obsess give or take a few it. Keep yourself balanced and glowing to keep your immune system strong, but do abstain from kissing anyone who obviously have an outbreak.

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