Hey Girls Help Me Please!!?

how long is an average period? 3 days 4 days how long!!?

Girls, I have need of your help!?

It adjectives depends on your body and the individual. I guess it would be safe to say aloud 3-7 days as an overall average. I have have myself, and known others as capably to go as long as 10 days. And I own been as short as 2-3 days near just spotting.

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average 5-7 unless you are on birth control later it can be as short as 2 days

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Really I might be preggers?

The average interval can last anything up to 7 days! mine do anyway!

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Seriously, i've known girls who hold it for 2 days, all the instrument to 8. It really depends. I truly don't belive the 3-4 days thing everyone tell you. I've talked to so plentiful girls and most of their periods are around 5-6 days!

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More resembling anywhere between 3-7 days. It depends on the person.

Marvelon 28.Need Help ASAP!?

it vary from person to character..it can be from 3 to 7 days..

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3-5 days


Black Menstral Blood?

My period is close to clockwork, every 28 days, and 5 days long. some people own it as short as 3 days, but I think anywhere surrounded by between 3 and 5 days is normal.

When did u adjectives start your Period?

Normally 3 days but some can last up to 7.

How to put on cargo?

mine always concluding about 3 or 4 days. Only once did it ending like 5 days straight!

Can stress over thinking u are Pregnant actally breed u late? Is so by how long max?

The average spell should last between 4 and 5 days surrounded by a healthy woman. However, if the woman have any issues with form it may be longer. Women with issues may hold periods up to 7 to 10 days that rise and fall in amount of blood as very well. Some women may also have more than one term per month depending on their individual problems.

Can I get pregnate if my BF ejeculated on his hand then put his hand in my vagina?

the average is 7 days. but it freshly depends on your body. sometimes mine is 7 days, sometimes its 3 or 4 days. one time my friends was 2 weeks, but next now theyre individual 3-4 days. everytime

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7 days

Old Wives Tale or Legitimately True?

up to 7.

Why can't you give a tampon in for more than 8 hours?

3 to 7 but don't nouns if it's shorter than 7 or a little longer. As long as the flow is not a torrent it's OK.

When am i gonna get my first interval?

The length of the monthly cycle varies. Usually, during the first 5 to 7 years after your first menstrual time of year, the cycles are more irregular and the interval between them is longer than for cycles later within life. Typically, during your twenties and thirties, the cycles become increasingly shorter and more regular. When a woman enter her forties, the cycles begin to make longer again.

After you use tampons do you find that your flow is lighter?

it just depends...everyone is different. when i be younger mine would last almost 8 days...now that i am elder and have a child, i merely have mine for roughly speaking 4-5 days...it differs with age too i mull over...=)

Do any women out there catch bad headache at the time of their period?

the average is 5-7 days. some women are a moment or two shorter some are longer

Stomach pain.?

3-7 days.

Firm, enlarged uterus?

5 days. thats how long mine last

Mk,*embarrased*can any girls help me?

it depons on the women my interval last's give or take a few 3-6 days

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