If your not on the pill and you take one while your on your time of year will you stop bleeding ?

i was told that if you pinch a birth control pill while your on your period it will stop you from bleeding for a while. so i did it & have sex . is that true or did i just hold a very feathery flow that day?


My term is about every 30 days, is that iregular it usually comes abiout the 24th of respectively moth?

Once you've started your period, you will most plausible finish having it. Taking one birth control pill should not stop your extent. It was probably merely a convenient coincidence that your flow stopped for a bit afterwards.

My friend needs..?

u r best to tolerate ur period run as normal, i havent hear if u take 1 while havin a time of year it can stop it for a while, i do no ppl can skip their period by not taking the sugar pills

I only just asked how to deal beside sharp painful cramps..(readVVVVVfor more)?

Birth control pills usually lift a few months to actually control your bleeding. Even when women are on the pill they can get hold of pregnant if they miss one day. When starting the pill it is recommended to use alternate protection for the first seven days so the pill have time to take effect. What I am trying to read out is that you were not protected from getting pregnant from taking one pill during your interval. Just to be sure you could get a pregnancy question paper.

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I really dont think specifically true. Since some people start unmarked packs during the first couple of days of their term. However, if you are taking birth control pills and dont want to get your time when its time for you to take the dummy pills, start a trial pack and you will not get your spell. You can do this for about two months, three a the most. I influence this because you most likely will enjoy break through bleeding after the third time. This happened to me after i tried to extend it after three months. And I have a long period, so control it to only when essential.


If you have be taking birth control pills for several months, then you can skip a length by starting a new pack of moving pills instead of taking the placebos. Just one pill wouldn't do anything to stop bleeding or pregnancy. I hope you used protection - you can still get pregnant during your interval.

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I don't dream up it will really do anything. You have to be taking the pills for a short time while at least to not own a period when you lift one of the white pills. As for taking it and then have sex...I hope that wasn't an attempt at birth control because the one pill alone won't help. However since you are on your term you should be good anyway...but no your spell probably won't stop or get any lighter as it requests a few days and more pills to take effect.

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