Why does my vagina stink?

I wash it every other week.

Just the other year i found my wife crying, and i just found out next that she has a (ceast) on her breast.?

Wow try soaking in ammonia !!


Thanks, I needed that! LOL

Im bleeding when i shouldnt be, i really need insist on?

Thanks for the 2pts..

Yasmin info?

Try not having sex near MEN anymore ..that will do wonders

Men & Contraception?

If you were really Paris Hilton I don't believe you would be asking such a question.

Ovulation predictor kit (OPK)?

too many guys contained by there... i connote, literally stuck in near by the black hole g-forces that it exudes

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bc your a ho! just because you can ask on yahoo you do?

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because you sleep around near everyone who will have you. and you dont go in swimming like you should.

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You wash it every other week? Oh my God, you must hold a yeast infection and that SMELLS all the channel to kingdom come! You idiot, you're supposed to bathe it EVERY DAY in the shower! Wash it next to a gentle soap gel (don't receive the ones with caustic chemicals in them), and pat it dry. Don't permit any foreign moisture fester in at hand. If it's moist after you pat it dry, then take off it alone... that's the vagina's natural lubricant system. Man, I'm starting to smell your stink. Wash it every daylight!

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