Is it true that men have one rib less than women.?


Why don't women like/want/desire/enjoy/or think something like sex as much as men do?

I searched "How Many Ribs Do Men Have?" and found this article on a biology website (this is basically an excerpt):

The notion that women have an extra set of ribs is probably base on a misinterpretation of some Bible verses within Genesis. The actual quote is:

But for Adam, no suitable helper be found. So the LORD God caused the man to spatter into a deep sleep; and while he be sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and closed up the place with flesh. Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he have taken out of the man, and brought her to the man.
(Genesis 2: 20b - 22, NIV (c) 1983 by Zondervan Corp.)
Notice what this doesn’t say. It doesn’t enunciate anything about how plentiful ribs Adam had formerly or after this “surgery,” and especially it says nought, whatsoever, about how oodles ribs Eve had! Nowhere does it say-so that Eve had more ribs than Adam. Who made that assumption minus checking? Wouldn't it be just as logical to guess (also in need checking) that if she was created “second” that God might own made her with equal number of ribs as the new, reduced number that Adam immediately had? Wouldn’t it really be more logical to guess that God might hold created her with like number of ribs as Adam just to avoid confusion? Genesis doesn't influence one way or the other, so the lone way to know is to cut break open cadavers and start counting. Who have done that — the theologians or the biologists? My guess is that, once again, if human misinterpretations are set aside and if it is remembered that theology looks at “why” while science looks at “how,” there is no “conflict” between what the Bible, itself, is wise saying and what biologists know to be true about our bodies.

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no, doctors took dead relatives and counted their ribs. my teacher said men and women hold the same number of ribs, but i dont know how tons

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actually i dream up its women that have one smaller quantity rib

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No. While in the Army, I made chest x-rays of thousands of men and women who be undergoing physical exams, and never did a man turn up who have one fewer ribs than does any other human person, regardless of gender. We adjectives - ALL - have twelve duo of ribs!

Ive been have sex for 7 months and then it started hurting to do it. why?

Let's do a spur-of-the-moment thought experiment.

If I cut off your thumb, would your children be missing a thumb?

No? Then possibly Adam was missing a rib, but why would adjectives of his descendants be missing one too?
No, men and women have alike number of ribs.
No. There are the same number of ribs. Twelve pairs of flexible, archlike ribs form the lateral portions of the thoracic hold

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If you compare manly and female skeletons (pix or irl), you will see that the differences are that the feminine pelvis is more rounded on the inside and the coccyx sticks out (to make room for the newborn's head), and the female forearms are slightly more curved. But thats it.

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that's what i've heard...i know the story is that God took one of adam's ribs to gross eve..i know that's true because i believe in the bible, but i don't know if every mannish after adam has one smaller number rib.

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NO, I thought alike thing for oodles years. GOD took a rib from Adam to make Eve. All men and women own the same amount of ribs, unless a birth malformation happens.

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only literalists believe this. So if you are individual taught this by biblical nazis later of course you are asking this... you involve to ask someone who knows the answer... a doctor!

oh, and it is false.

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Only one way to find out- HOLD STILL!

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It says contained by the bible that God took a rib from Adam to create Eve, but that doesn't mean that every mannish will have one smaller amount rib.
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No, it's not true.

Just because a story be made up about women coming from a man's rib, doesn't close-fisted men have one smaller quantity.

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