Its fear-provoking...HELP! (ladies)?

Do you have any idea while I bleed sometimes after sex beside my boyfriend? No it wasnt the first time. We've been doing it for like 1 1/2 years and it on the odd occasion happens, but its starting to worry me. Any concept?
Mature answers only please! Thanks!

Answers:    couple of things.if your sex session was a short time rougher than normal then it could be something as simple as he tore you somewhat somewhere down there. are you sore at all? if so after that's probably your reason.

now for the serious of the two you get hold of routine pap exams? you need to. having bleeding during or now after sex could be a sign of cervical cancer. i had early stage cervical cancer 6 years ago and this be my ONLY symptom. and i was only 18 at the time.

if near is no obvious source of the spotting/bleeding like a sore vagina from possibly sex being a little rough. consequently please go to the doc and tell them whats going on so they can check you out.
Do you hold a regular pap smear, maybe there is an underlying problem that you do not know something like maybe.I'm not telling you at hand is, just get checked out to produce sure.
Was it rough sex or just "normal"? This may be a factor in why you're bleeding.
I'd draw from checked by a doc with a pap smear, since you are having sex...better sooner a bit than later..
You could be on your period or close to it right after you own sex. Or, he could be scratching you or bruising and even cutting the tissue near his penis. If you feel sore after you have sex near him each time, tell him to relaxation up. Still concerned? See a doc. How heavy is the bleeding? Light spotting can be normal after rough intercourse. Some women bleed every time - it's a short time ago how they're built.

I'd say that you might want to call your OB/GYN and engineer an appointment to make sure everything's kosher. .
sometimes that jsut happens. its usually completely majority. if you think about it the penis it fast moving in and out and rubbing inside of you ... make sure you enjoy enough lubrication There are several reasons, from have extra skin in the vagina that gets irritated to more serious things. Your best bet would be to be paid a gyn appointment and have it checked out..
It maybe from a dearth of lubrication, an infection, an ovarian cyst. You should be going for regular GYN visits since you are sexually active. Discuss it next to yours. you could just be close to your period.
is it close to your time?

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