Waxing your..?

My friend waxed her cheeks a few days ago becasue she have fine hairs on her cheeks- within fact what you would ring "pach fuzz.' Today she seemed to hold skin break outs (not severe according to her) and slight itchiness. She promises she will never EVER do it again but I was wondering if her mane will come out thicker etc. I heard it usually grows spinal column thinner. I am kinda worried for her. Will her face be dog-eared forever now? Will the little red breakouts and itchiness progress away soon? I mean it's not as impossible as most people hold it but she's a bit worried. Does anyone know if she will keep on have to wax because the hair will grow fund thicker or can she stop now because she have learnt her lesson! (and please no funny answers!)

what kinda hoodrat is she? in point of fact might be U! read this!?

It is a MYTH that hair grows posterior thicker and/or darker after spine removal. You can even read the link below on it. Most possible she just have a reaction to the wax. A lot of ethnic group get irritation from wax parts of their face such as their eyebrows and upper lip. Your friend have nothing to verbs about.

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hair grows pay for thicker and darker when wax and shaved
she might have had a allergic sensitivity too the waxing so its best she keep an eye on her cheeks and maybe put some e45 cream such close to that too help

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Normally wax doesn't make the spike grow back thicker (but everybody is different) SHAVING will. The irritation she is experiencing can any be allergic reaction to the wax or basically plain irritation from waxing. Either style it should relieve itself in a couple days. I would a moment ago suggest she waxing again since she have had such irritation.

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Hair does NOT grow backbone thicker, heavier or more if you shave, pluck, tweese or rip.
The same amount of hair that be there will come vertebrae unless you manage to remove the root.

Think nearly it. If that were true, men's face would look like werewolves, and women's legs would be that of gorilla.

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