Just another tampon sound out :P?

ok so i bought tampons and i'm goning to try to use them for the first time, they are the plastic applicator. i tried them before and it be one of my moms and it was a cardboard applicator and i couldn't bring it in!! are the plastic ones easier? and do you hold any tips to help me insert one?

Urinary Tract Infection?

Just read the instructions. Most of them enjoy pictures. It's awkward, but wonderful once you learn. I will never dance back.

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look at the dircations and palstic is easier to use

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Just where on earth are you trying to put this?

I need to start my extent! help!?

Use the instruction booklet. The plastic ones to me are easier. Good luck.

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Plastic ones are much easier.

When I first started to use tampons a freind told me to spit on it and it will jump in easier ...and honestly i do it to this hours of daylight.

Just sit on the toilet and lean back a touch...RELAX

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plastic is easier

Seasonique or seasonale.. ?

What are you doing asking strangers on here? Go sermon to your mother about this!

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the plastic are soooo much easier than cardboard and dont ever try to push it up straight always at an angle

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yes they are easier than the cardboard...just relax...blow out firm before inserting it, as this relaxes the muscles in your lower partially. Then just slide it within facing toward your low back...it's fairly easy once you gain the hang of it

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They are easier. Just be effortless, if you need to prop your foot up on the toilet form or something to give you better access. I know its gross and it take some getting used to. There should be more detailed tips on the box. Good luck.

Why do some girls become extremely dry during?

OMG I could not wear tampons for the longest time until I used pearl tampons. I hope you got those ones. anyway don't step straight in travel at an angle. That was my biggest mistake.

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i find that the plastic insert alot easier than the cardboard. However you get more next to the cardboard and are less expensive.

Their are different comfortable positions available on a pamphlet surrounded by the box. My most comfortable position is sittitng on the toilet with my legs spread plain and insert.

Am I the only womanly in the world that go or up or down with consignment? never stable, grrrrrr?

the plastic ones are the easiest to use, and my tip is to make sure the tampon is adjectives the way contained by, you shouldn't be able to discern it when you stand up and move around.

What could be wrong with me?

practise near one before you insert it. That passageway you can see what to do..it is pretty straight forward once you figure it out,. Just push the one shutting down up..

and i agree...the plasitic ones are easiers...there are also ones in need any applicatiors..You just insert..and no stipulation for applicators.

Discharge. period?

Very simple....the first article is your got to relax your muscle....dont push! Make sure your thumb and forefinger are on the groved call a halt of the applicator... when your on the toilet spred your legs and insert the applicator gentally in...when its in about partly way is when you start to push the applicator together...one conclude into the other... when it is completely in you should not be able to consistency it though being your first time you might observe it there but it should not hurt. If it hurts you can use your finger to push it in a bit more otherwise remove it, dispose of it, and use a clean one and try again.

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Plastic are much easier.

Stand up and put one foot on the toilet.
Hold the tampon insert end up.
Take a breath contained by.
Then as you are breathing out (this helps to relax the body) push the tampon within following the natural angle of your vagina.
When you hold it so that your fingers just touch yourself next start pushing the bottom part of the applicator contained by so that the tampon releases from the plastic.
You should be good to dance.

It may feel humiliated and I would suggest trying it the first time when you have a pretty sweet flow to make insertion easier.

Good luck!

Just to make a payment, get the tampons that expand within a 360degree rather afterwards up and down. I find the ones that expand up and down feel close to they are falling out. That's quite mortified.

Tell me astory about your peoriod.?

Plastic ones seem to be smoother to glide surrounded by but I still use cardboard applicators. I think I one-sidedly have the saddest story of when I started using tampons. I be 12, very athletic and detested pads. No one told me how to use tampons so I tried it out by myself. OMG it feel so umcomfortable. It wasn't until 16 when I told my best friend that I would never use tampons that she told me that I wasn't suppose to keep the applicator surrounded by...aren't I a sad one.

Tip: lift up your leg on the toilet seat beforehand inserting the tampon in. Helps with the pressure of pushing it up.

Why do i crave carbs so much when i enjoy my period?

Yes the plastic are easier.Try some lubricant for the first few times such as KY Jelly or some water-soluble.I would not use grease based this can rationale an infection. The infection could be vaginal or unirary tract. This is what I would do,and this is just what I regard as. Call a nurse. Even your school nurse may hold answers to alot of your questions

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Number one tip? Relax. If you're stressed or anxious, the muscles at the base of your vagina can tighten, making it harder to put the tampon in.

You'll also be more probable to have nouns if you wait until the heaviest time of your period-there will be more blood and tissue to provide lubrication to help the tampon in.

Before your term begins, sit down beside a mirror between your legs, make sure you enjoy good lighting and look at your genitals. Gently spread apart the inner labia (the inner, smaller maw of your vulva-see second link below) and locate your vagina.

If you consistency comfortable with the thought, gently touch the nouns around the vagina with verbs fingers to help yourself catch oriented to what that cut of your body feels like-and how it feel to touch yourself. That way, if you're trying to insert the tampon and aren't have success, you may own a better idea of what the problem is by how it feel. You can also bring out the mirror to help you guide the tampon applicator if you're have difficulty later.

Also, if you want, you can use a marine based lubricant (No Vaseline!) to lubricate the tip of the applicator to oblige it slide in better.

Talk to your mom, elder sisters or friends who use tampons and ask how they get them within or what tricks they have-they may be able to aid you.

If it doesn't work? Go back to pad, give it a month or two and afterwards try again; you'll get it!

Tampon problem?

First, don't spit on it as one poster said she does...thank piety she has never have a major infection cause by doing that! If this is an issue, a better and safer option is KY jelly...a moment ago a tad around the top of the tip. As I am sure you already know, make sure your hand are clean first!

Yes, roughly speaking plastic tampons are easier to insert! You might also try something like O.B. beside no applicator...many of my childlike clients prefer those.

Generally the main problem next to tampons is that you don't get them surrounded by far enough...that is to say where the discomfort comes from. If you find it humiliated, simply insert you finger to push it a tad higher.

One more entity, don't try to use tampons when you have a wispy flow. Use them for the middle of your period or on heavier days. For the origination and end of your time of year try using a pad. At least possible until you get more practice using tampons. Many women afford up because they try them as soon as their period starts and it hurts!

With a moment or two practice, and following some simple tips, you will successfully be using tampons in no time!

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think in the order of common name for plastic applicator tampons... platex gentle skim. tampax pearl. guessing they will be easier to insert.

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That is not a unnatural question at adjectives.

Tampons are the ideal solution for involved girls who play sports and especially swim, and even for other girls they are MUCH more comfortable than pads, they are cleaner than pad, and much more environmentally friendly than pads.

Tampons do not hurt, and they are not at adjectives uncomfortable, though sometimes girls are for a while bit uncomfortable near the idea of inserting them at first.

One road to get long-gone your fear of using a tampon, is to become better acquainted near yourself. Some time when you are not on your period, but up to that time your next term, and when you have some time to be alone, pocket a few minutes to explore and see what the whole nouns is about. This is something to be exact essential for any girl.

Get comfortable, use a hand mirror, and beside your other hand spread yourself interested and look around. It is not dirty, or ugly, or wrong contained by any way, it is your body, you should know what it is almost and how it works. When you are comfortable, slip a finger inside a few inches.

Next time you have a time, you will be ready to endow with a tampon a try, and will have a righteous idea what sort of experience to expect. It is different, but it is not bleak. Honestly a tampon is WAY better than a pad ever be. Don’t feel impossible if you don’t get it reasonably right the first few times you try it – it can take a bit of practice. Just hang on to trying until you get it right. When it is right you won’t be capable of feel it at adjectives.

Using a tampon with an applicator is easier at first, but I regard the OB without the applicator is easier, more comfy to put within, and much better for the environment. You will have to pick for yourself.

Which ever one you grasp, follow the instructions on the box, and do not leave it within for longer than the instructions say is protected.

Period help?

MUCH EASIER! Tips- put one leg on the toilet. Makes it easier and smaller amount painful to insert the tampon. Good luck!

Period cross-examine!!?

Yes, the plastic applicators are a lot easier to use than the cardboard ones. I tried using cardboard once and i could not put it in. The plastic ones gone in nice and smoothly minus any problems. When putting it in for the first time, it may seem terrifying but its really not. You just enjoy to relax and follow the instructions inside the box. If you can't find the hole, take a mitt mirror and that may help you to insert it easier, that's what i did the first few times. Sitting on the toilet is probably the easiest path to get it surrounded by. Hope I helped and correct luck.

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