Cure for period pais?

does anyone know a good cure for time pains? I get such desperate cramps on the first day of my spell and I end up have to take a morning off work which I despise and it usualy hurts so much it makes me lightheaded and feel enormously sick. I want something different to everyday painkillers though.

Please Help!?

lay on your belly and have someone press down on your sacrum. Just hold them place the base of on paw between the two bumps on the back of your pelvis lateral to the bottom fo the spine( the posterior superior iliac spines, of PSIS) and point their fingers towards your feet. Place the other appendage over the first and apply pressure for three minutes. It is an osteopathic treatment called sacral inhibition, and it if truth be told works, I have done it on a couple of my classmates.

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If your dull pain is that bad, consequently maybe you should walk and see your doctor. Have you tried Feminax from the chemist, that helped next to mine.

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I swear by Neurofen Plus. Don't procure the normal stuff, engineer sure its Plus. Or try feminax. Otherwise, if you are not on the pill, the doctor may suggest prescribing that to help.

My breast is so sore and my final hurts really badly what should i do.? please aid me.?

A good cup of cranberry juice usually help me. Also try cura-heat patches. You can stick them on the inside of your clothing and its close to having a hot sea bottle all light of day.

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bubble bath and some midol??
I don't know, I saw it contained by a book

What are the side effects of Yaz? (this is not Yasmin)?

Try a tablet called Feminax. It works wonders for me.

I wear heels seriously and often run around contained by them. Can this cause anything?

take midol extra strength

New PregnancyBig Problem?

Oh I go and get brutal cramps too. I usually take a couple Motrin, but the heat pad is my savior.

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a hot hip bath will help or hot compresses ... also formerly you have your time of year go for long walk or do some sort of exercises .hope this will help

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You poor piece, I can sympathise with you Mine be so bad I have a hysterectomy 3 years ago. Have you tried "Ponstan" You will need to draw from it from the Dr's as it's prescription only.
Good luck.

D&c is it raw?

i used to take feminax for my interval pain and i just now tried the curaheat pads which be great too,maybe stir and see your doc to see if they can help also

Girls, what does it parsimonious when you say, to know how to move it?

Nsaid's close to mefenamic acid may backing. The alternatives are mainly hormonal. Progesterones resembling norithisterone help within about 75% of woman. Another alternative is the combined oral contraceptive.

Forget homeopathic or herbal remedies unless you are passionate to waste money.

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Abdominal heat pad are very comforting.Also try taking medication the time before a length is due [if you are regular]. As far as diet goes increase your calcium intake [600mg] do not drink too much caffeine and trim down intake of animal products It may be worth asking your GPs advice. Occasionally a woman may suffer from endometriosis, adhesion's, and or fibroids.This will want further investigation.
Hope this helps.

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well i also suffer alot .the feminax and the heat pads really help . i smpathize with u. cos the heat pads n e drugs dont work adjectives the time .So try n see ur doc.i hope it works.

Chance of pregnancy?

How DARE Dr Frank criticise Homoeopathy - has he ever have a period discomfort in his time?!! Homoeopathy is a fantastic gentle & forceful remedy for such things. Before I became a homoeopath, I suffered disappointingly with interval pains & nothing conventional ever worked - only just gave me unpromising side effects. Then I discovered Homoeopathy & it worked brilliantly. I now prescribe for plentiful women who consult me for this problem & ALL are completely satisfied. Please find a practitioner in your nouns by looking up The Society of Homeopaths website.

Morning sickness?

a hot bath, beside sweet smelling oils. hot chocolate beside marshmellows whilst your watching a film on ur sofa! the classic hot wet bottle on your tummy. sounds wierd, but squatting helps. obtain sumone to massage your belly.

Girl Problems backing!!!!?

I was like peas in a pod. There is no cure unfortunately. I your niggle is that bad and stomach-ache killers do not work, I suggest you be in motion on the pill.

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I know what you mean. My gran would would hold been 105 in a minute, was a herbalist, and she give me mint tea which worked without taking any pills. You requirement to buy dried mint leaves or if you have fresh use these. You boil them surrounded by water to gross a brew and drink it. You can add sugar if you want. It not individual tastes nice but ease the pain readily. My daughters used it too

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