How will I die?

I'm Hannah, by the way.

One point that I really need answered is whether or not I'll enjoy time before I die to know I'm dying (and for this reason make peace next to God).

Anyone know how I'll die?

Ladies!! i need your opinion please!?

I accepted Christ 4 years ago, and am a grown up.

What's dumb is I lived adjectives this time without God surrounded by my LIFE. Not to mention death resembling you are asking about.

Read the book within the New Testament called John. It will report you what you need to know.

One God made adjectives of us and everything that is.

And we're adjectives going to meet Him.

Just because you didn't own a family who know God and told you about Him, or did but you didn't listen, doesn't have it in mind you can't know Him and be His.

Doesn't matter if you are a do-gooder or an axe-killer. All come to God alike way - from scrape. tells what happen with me. It's word for word, so species of long, but it's how it was.

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How would we know? I wouldn't rely on waiting until the final inute to make peace beside God. Do it now. That is the true bearing to resolve issues with Him.

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Unless you are hit by a car, or struck down by some erratic act of wrong place wrong time, later unless you are sick, and can " feel " resembling your dying, then you hold a long time to go.
If you are christian, later you may not die before Christ comes vertebrae to judge.
You alone can tolerate this query.

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I can't speak about you how you will die, Hannah, but if you make peace near God everyday, then you won't own to worry roughly it. You have a long, lively life ahead of you. Trust me.and ask for forgiveness everyday. Good luck!

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Your heart stop pumping..

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don't verbs about that immediately, enjoy your natural life that given to you. be good other as your saving within your later natural life.

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how can i know?

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a new low on stupid question!! are you smoking crack?

Thinking about.every light of day? Help?

You are sick!

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