How common is an abnormal Pap Smear?

just wondering what to think almost this... have an out of the ordinary pap and they are takinig biopsy from my cervix then i will come fund for a biopsy of my uteris (they dont want to do the same day) basically alittle freaked wondered if anyone has be through this...

men, u date a chick that is OVERWEIGHT?

Yes, this happen quite deeply, but at least the abnormality have been spotted and they can afford you the best treatment now. The probability of it being anything serious are intensely low, the abnormality may only indicate a small change within the cells and once these are cleared, you're support to your normal on top form self, although they will probably want to bring you back for more regular smears, influence every 6 months for a year or two. Please don't worry :)

Are those who are disabled & on Medicaid sometimes used as Guinea Pigs; read on:?

I don't know but abnormal pap smears are adjectives, but mostly the cells aren't cancerous, nearby are just small change that need to be Dealt With.

=) Hope this help..

Iam 32, tubal 9 years ago, i have various problems right side hurts, pp on my self when i cough. whats wrong?

not offten, but the test is worth it.

I mised my term and some one told me it is ok because i am bein more active could this be true?

Most women own one abnormal pap. Don't stress out on the other hand it could be nothing. The biopsy will pinch a moment or two. Also one thing they don't speak about you, bring a sanitary pad. They give me a small liner, but the iodine they used still soaked through the small liner.

I havn't started my period what shall i do?

I have the same entity happen abou 6 months ago and I be absolutely panic. Everything turned out fine. Guess it is more common than I realize. Don't get yourself worked up. If you progress for your regular pap smears than you have zilch to worry roughly speaking. I had wait two years before getting the fruitless one and was upset. I won't miss one again. Good luck!

Plzzzz help me gving dear suggestion?

I went through it nearly 3 years ago. Don't worry too much. They are merely making sure it isn't cancerous or HPV. You may never have an anomalous pap again.

how to get rid of this?

>>Yes, I go through that years ago now. It be abnormal. Then they did the biopsy and that come back cynical. I then have to come back surrounded by 6 months and we went thru like thing again. I next had no problems at adjectives for years and years. I did eventually have uterine cancer but that be discovered 2 months after I had a verbs pap smear. My doctor told me that uterine or ovarian cancer cannot be detected by pap. Only cervical. Hope everything comes back denial for you. If not, just know that finding these things untimely means almost positively that it can be resolved/cured.

Water and menstruation?

I have an abnormal pap beforehand, my MD said it was merely a little exceptional cell growth but nothing to verbs about. I go back to check it and it be normal.

what do you guys?

Yes I hold been through that! They told me that my pap be abnormal and they have to take a biopsy as ably. They ended up freezing my cervix. I'm not sure what that really routine, but I know it is not cancer!! I've talked to in the region of 3 other girls that have gone though indistinguishable thing and everything is impeccably normal!

Is it adjectives for a girl to go on a peiod for four weeks after stop for two days and have it agin for five week

An phenomenal pap smear can occur for a multitude of reason. Even inflammation can cause atypia (abnormality) of cell under the microscope. In other words near are benign reasons for atypia. If the atypia is minor, consequently the cytology lab would recommend follow-up by repeat pap smears in 6 - 12 months. In your armour though, the case is proceeding to biopsy.
The clinician will usually with the sole purpose go to a biopsy if the cytology laboratory reporting the pap smear indicated that they are not sure just about the cause of the abnormality - they might suspect that it is slightly worse than a benign atypia.
Rest assured though that pap smears are screening test for pre-cancers. A biopsy being perform as a follow-up to an abnormal pap smear is appropriate control.

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