I have alot of problems getting wet when it's time to do the do. What's going on?

When me and my husband get intimate I am hugely dry down there. He have to lube me up, but I don't want to have to that. I want to be capable of do it naturally.

Serious cross-question for the ladies.?

This is normal at indisputable stages through life. Hormone level affect this. Also stress can cause a women to be dry. It have nothing to do next to not wanting to have sex. A doctor can give support to if this continues. Also there are a great deal of products out there to delight in. Relax and experiment with differenent jells.

is at hand anything out there to assistance me get my interval back?

Talk to your gyn.

How to go and get bigger boobs?

Maybe he should use his toungue.

Had babybreast feedingno sex.NO PERIOD!?

try spitting on your hand discretely consequently rubbing it in

What vitamins and minerals need to be increased during pregnancy?

menopause can incentive that problem . or some other health issue. you should see your GYN

Omg i own this weird stomach [pain adjectives the time and my stomach feels other like its tight and i perceive like .?

He may not own found the right way to stimulate you, try lots of clitoral stimulation, usually works for me, but serene not firm some guys get carried away and do it tough and it's not a turn on but turn off!

Felt close to i needed to poop and i had a liitle mucus come out but no stool.does anyone know whats going on?

Start doing it in the pool?
Seriously, natter to your OBGYN.

Unable to urinate? At 14 weeks pregnant..?

First of all, evaluate the following things:
1. What you munch through. Some of your diet could affect that. Ask a nutritionist.
2. Your moods and emotional effects. Stress and passionate attitudes could affect this. Try to relax.
3. Foreplay. Apparently, you have not loosened up however enough. A lot of foreplay will achieve things started.
4. Be creative. A bit of sexy apparel for him could excite feelings.
5. Change your settings. Light candles, don't stick to the bedroom etc.
6. Make sure you are comfortable.
7. Use KY Jelly.
8. Call your gyn.

can you leak pregnant without have periods?

You probably aren't as sexually attracted to him as you thought you be when you were simply bf/gf.

If my last month cycle be 26 days?

Are you taking a shower directly before? If so, you are wash away all your body's instinctive fluids and that's the problem. Or if not, I don`t know your husband should not be so selfish and make a contribution you a little attention beforehand he goes for it.

What to expect going bad the pill?

did you just own a baby end in it can take up to 2 years for this to obtain back to common don t worry as long as you know you love him that's adjectives he will need to know o and dont regard crazy stuff like your gone chance or anything stuff like this happen you might have get bad stitches giving birth .again dont verbs if you love each other that's adjectives that matters

If Pillowpants really did exist, what would he look approaching?

Maybe he doesn't turn u on. Maybe he should try to use his tongue to help you, or hold him play or rub your clitoral area. If that doesn't work I would natter to your gyn.

I need someone to please comfort I am running out of hope and i don't know what to do any more.?

change your to do list , don't plan it consent to it come natural and rapid allot more fun ,, share in more foreplay and above adjectives else make sure u and hubby speech about what u 2 resembling even role play anything u like can grasp the juices flowing relax delight in

Is not getting up during the night to move about to the loo unhealthy?

you're not getting turned on. You obligation some more foreplay and stimulation. get a vibrator, capture a tickler, put a porno on. it may take you a while to attain stimulated, we don't get erect and organized like men do adjectives the time. we need more oblige as we get elder, hormones change, etc.

I'm worrying around some abnormal bleeding I've have.?

Drink more water. Talk to your doctor.

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