Why have I seen women put baby powder on chest?


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apparentlt chicks boobs sweat. so the babe-in-arms powder is supposed to keep them dry. but it sure does spoil the mood when you suck a * and it taste chalky.

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lol...well, i consider it has to do beside sweat especially in surrounded by the summer time...when you put the powder on your chest it sort of soaks it up.i guess..


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because they want to smell nice women use power body spray and perfume on nearly adjectives parts of thier body to feel honest and smell good

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It keep you Cool..

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Either 2 matt down their chest, calm sweating down.
Or they of late love the smell of baby powder & babies!

Nipples turn red?

I do not know, why be you watching women putting baby powder on contained by the first place? You should have be offering to help instead of watching and wondering. I bet the women who be putting on the powder would have with pleasure answered the question.

I'm waiting on results of a pelvic ultrasound, ordered because of severe backache in my ovaries and lower fund.

i dont know but some women also put it down there. i contemplate its gross and should be reserved for babies and scrotums!

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