My friend gets her period about every 16 days and she is very nervious about it so I told her I would as.?

So if anyone in the community could help out it would be appreciated! She does have sex a couple times a week conceivably that could contribute. If anyone knows what could be cause it or contributing to it. Please only answer this if you are going to be serious and dont articulate see a doctor because Im taking her for her appointment on the 15th.

Regarding breast milk.?

Maybe she is anemic. That causes weighty bleeding sometimes and frequent periods. She could also enjoy fibroid tumors (they are usually benign).

Its down below?

good thing you are taking her to a Dr =if she is bleeding as discouraging as you say she could be anemic from it

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She may need to keep on longer after her period stops back having sex. I would recommend she keep on 72 hours after she stops menstruating to make sure her body have cleansed itself properly and completed menstruation. Oftentimes, a woman will stop bleeding for a day and next start again in the same cycle.

Is she on birth control? The doctor will probably prescribe her some form of it so her cycle get regulated. But my hunch is that the frequent sex is throwing it off harmonize.

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It may basically be biological. Irregular periods are not extraordinary in woman. Birth control is usually prescribed which is probably needed since she is have sex a few times a week. Tell her not to be nervous and don't forget to use protection.

Good Luck

i really have need of help ! please 10 points to the right answer..?

If she's other had period this close together (about every 2 weeks), then it might be a hormonal inequity. If everything checks out with the doctor (good for her for going...good for you for taking her!), later maybe she should consider the pill. It will serve regulate her to once a month and it will lighten her period.

The frequency of sex has nil to do with how repeatedly she gets her length. As a precaution however, tell her to ALWAYS use reliable birth control. If she's this irregular, in that's no telling when she's ovulating, in consequence there's no unfolding when she is most likely to win pregnant.

Fondling with my breast I realise juice coming out, what does this signifies?

she may just enjoy an extremely short cycle.

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Depends if it is 16 days between periods---- If so that is without a flaw normal. See, a cycle is between 21 and 28 days and it is from the first day of the spell until the first day of the subsequent period = a full cycle.
If it is 16days from the first day of a time to the first day of the subsequent period in attendance could be something wrong. I am not a doctor so I dare not speculate on what could be wrong. It is more than likely because she is youthful that this is the way her period are. They may do something simple like put her on the pill to regulate her period. Tell "your friend" good luck and she have a good friend for you asking this give somebody the third degree for her.

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