Should I get an attorney My doctor left a staple in after surgery??

I had a hysterectomy surgery 2 years and just now found a staple left surrounded by my stomach in the belly button nouns what should I do? would that be considered medical malpratice??

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only if it have caused you medical problems. if it hasn't only have it removed and permit the doctor pay the cost of surgery. the suit part of a set seems frivolous if you haven't have problems due to it.

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most definately get yourself a laywer and see what they enjoy to say

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Yes, sue that doctor for adjectives the money he has.

Breast problem? and oh my god what made you not look or grain ...your skin there for 2 years ! There have to be some sort of irritation going on ?

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Perhaps...if the staple come out, would you fly around the room like a deflate balloon?

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Yes you should basically to see what they have to right to be heard amd so you have a subsidise bone in satchel of anything that goes wrong do not consent to the docter that put it in in attendance take it out for no cost

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I believe so. Yes, you should get an attorney, but first hope the medical attention you need to go and get that staple out.
And don't just sue. Yes, you should prosecute the doctor for medical malpractice, but don't sue unless you truly get the impression that they were inept to perform the operation soundly because of their personal decisions.
Hope I help.

What will happen?

Ok, I know you didnt want that staple within there but c'mon, a short time ago have them lift it out. Especially if there is no adverse effects. All this sueing over shiit is getting out of appendage. No wonder no one can afford medical serve.

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Unless it has cause a permanent injury I don't consider it would do any good. I meditate that is call a human error, doctors are humans too.

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the sooner u report this the that is no excuse for this malpractice..good luck !!

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Have the staple removed ( your choice to return to that doctor or not). Then consider if you have have complications from the staple being not here in? In other words, enjoy you had repeated infections or some other troubles? If not, is it worth the trouble?. Attorney fees are really big and you must be able to show some detrimental effects. On the other foot, a post op X-ray is usually done to check for sponges, etc., that may be left from surgery. Get your medical library and look them over. You could have the account reviewed and get a professional judgment.

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Did it result in you any harm?, If not, what are you going to sue over? If in that was swelling remaining when the rest of the staples be removed, he/she may not have see it. I know I've removed sutures and staples and a day or two subsequent I found one I missed. Some times the surrounding tissue hides it powerfully. It would be even easier to miss one in the navel.

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See a doctor first before you submerge to conclusions. Why are people other trying to sue other people when adjectives they were trying to do is relieve in the first place. I hope I am not the simply one who says you are f*cked up for trying to rob advantage of those who backing you.

i have stopped even access this quest coz it distracted me 2 much .tell me truly,wood it assistance?

Suing over a staple in the skin? Are you serious?

Its not like an set of scissors or a swab gone inside you that made you sick. Presumably - you do not need to hold surgery to have it removed. It have not caused you any misery -presumably it is not infected.
Dont you need to hold some kind of deface due to the staple being moved out in to really ponder you are due to be compensated?

It is VERY easy to take off a skin staple in after surgery. The skin and belly is swollen and often irregular or lumpy along any suture lines. Sometimes nearby are just not detectable for weeks after the surgery when the swelling has settled. This is more adjectives in women who get larger amounts of fat around their tummy.
The staple needs removal (now I would expect to know how to go to matching doctor and have it removed for no charge). If nearby is a problem with removal next maybe I would consider some compensation.

Why would you have need of compensation for a staple left surrounded by your skin?
I would feel guilty trying to sue someone for something that really hasnt cause any damage.

There are relations out there who hold truly been treated poorly by the medical system. That is who the permitted system is set up for.

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I am not sure how and why you found it very soon. If it has cause no health threats. I would wish a doctors opinion on removal. That's not malpractice a moment ago negligence. You will have to check you state regulation on that.

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You can always phone up a lawyer who will ask you question to see if you do have a baggage. It will mainly rely on if you hold any "damages" or "disability" due to the staple. If you didn't have any problems which organize you to the discovery of the staple, the odds are you might not enjoy a case.

(Fives week after not have healed from galbladder removal surgery, it be discovered that I had 7 staples clamped onto my bile duct--totally destroying it. This occur when the surgeon was trying to clamp/close the stump and vessel after removal of my galbladder, which single requires 1 - 2 clamps to get the errand done. I waited 2 years until I retained an attorney, because I needed to own my bile duct repaired first (more surgery with another doctor of course) and later be recovered from the surgery.)

Again, call an attorney who specializes med-malpractice and he/she will consent to you know whether or not you have a armour. Best of luck!

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