What does it mean if a lady without children has milky secretions form the nipples?


Lat year i suffer from tb diesease now i m ok but firstly i have a gud breast but now my breast get reduce how

U r perfectly healthy it's normal♥

I want to improve my English language. My prime interest is to write fluently English. How can I improve my l

you need a mammogram. Talk to your doctor. Just call any gynocologist office and ask them if that is normal. BE SAFE NOT SORRY!

Should I take antibiotics??

This could be indicative of a hormone imbalance. Your primary care physician or ob-gyn should do an exam and will most likely order some blood tests in order to properly diagnose and treat the problem. Depending on the outcome of the blood-work, they may choose to treat you or send you to an endocrinologist, the specialist that treats hormonal problems. Take care.

I have alot of problems getting wet when it's time to do the do. What's going on?

well, you need to consult a gynae.it could probably be due to high serum prolactin (a hormone) which can be treated wid med easily.but u need to be evaluated to see other symptoms as well. nothing to worry.

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