Is it true that caffeine can cause lumps in your breasts?

If so what are the lumps and should they hurt? Should I be concerned or visit near a doctor?

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For every cancerous breast lump, at least 10 other breast lumps are benign and completely non-hazardous. However, cancer can cause symptoms that mimic benign breast conditions. So, if you enjoy any of the symptoms listed below that don't fade or disappear shortly after your term, you must have a diagnostic breast evaluation as soon as possible. Remember, precipitate detection is your best chance for a cure.

There are three kind of breast conditions that are usually benign but should be checked by a professional health comfort provider:

1. Pain or tenderness, which can be accompany by swelling
2. Breast lumps or lumpiness, which can be accompanied by strain or swelling
3. Discharge, accompanied by anguish or swelling

Five factors motive benign breast changes:

Injury: Bra Underwires, sagging purse or bag straps and form belts
The stiff underwires found in several bras are a very adjectives cause of breast irritation. Underwires may verbs into the flesh or rub up and down when a woman raises her arms. Irritation usually occur at one end or tip of the underwire. This is outstandingly common surrounded by the larger breast when one breast is bigger than the other.

Foods: Caffeine and Soy Products
Caffeine can stimulate fluid production within the breast, which may aggravate existing irritation. Tofu, soy milk and other soy products contain plant hormones (phyto-estrogens) which can stimulate your breasts resembling natural hormones. This problem usually occur only when soy is consumed oodles times a week.

Just as genetics determine your mane color and height, they may create you to have lumpy breasts, also specified as fibrocystic breasts. They may also make you more susceptible to the effects of caffeine.

Hormones (those that go on naturally or any food or medical supplements you are taking for hormonal replacement)
The hormones that regulate body processes, such as menstruation, may trigger an increase in the fluid in your breast. Hormones may also trigger discharge (see A Note About Discharge).

Factors Work Together
Most benign breast conditions take place when more than one causal factor is present or pronounced. For instance, a woman who drinks coffee (caffeine) and have painfully tender breasts around the time of her interval (hormonal changes) may be unusually sensitive to the physical effects of caffeine (genetic predisposition).

Of course, we can't do anything about our intrinsically occurring hormones and if you're taking supplements under a doctor's caution, it's unwise to stop. We also can't tuning our genetic structure. However, we can do something about the bras we wear or the caffeine we consume.
How To Lesson Benign Symptoms

Moderate Your Caffeine and Soy Intake
If your breasts become bleeding before you start off menstruating each month, we recommend that you stop adjectives caffeine and soy consumption during this time until your period is over. This way no tofu or other soy productrs, coffee, all caffeinated soft drinks (diet or regular), chocolate, tea, most decaffeinated coffees and teas and reliable pain medication. Herbal teas contain no caffeine.

Don't Wear Underwire Bras
If you or your doctor discover that underwire bras are causing irritation, it's clever to switch to a bra without any underwire. Sports bras and other non-underwire bras are more suitable. If lumps keep at it one month after menstruation, consult your healthcare provider for evaluation. If your breasts differ in size, the larger breast may go and get unusually irritated by the tip of the bra wire along the outside of your breast. You may necessitate a custom made bra to fit your breasts.
A Note About Fibrocystic Breasts

Fibrocystic symptoms such as lumps or areas of thickness are not malignant and do not turn into cancer. However, see your doctor if within is any change contained by the lumpiness of your breasts or if new lumps do not disappear after your time since cancer can develop in either lumpy or non-lumpy breasts.
A Note About Discharge

Nipple discharge is usually cause by fibrocystic changes, atypical hormonal production or benign ductal ectasia. The latter is a condition, usually occurring in women who have lactated, contained by which liquid collects contained by enlarged breast ducts. These are benign conditions, but we recommend checking with your physician for further evaluation since some cancer also cause discharge.

When discharge occur from both breasts (bilaterally) or is clear, greenish or slightly brown, it is almost always benign. However, discharge can be a sign of cancer. If your discharge is brown or red-brown, see your doctor.

Can u guys backing me?

I don't know the name of the condition, or if her doctor is full of crap, but yea my wife have been told that caffine is the raison d`??tre of some small lumps in her breast.

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