Question about increased cup size..?
I had a highly low BMI calculated recently...and I enjoy to put on quite a bit of mass to get it final to normal. My cup size be an A before and contained by the time span of about 5 weeks, it's grown to a C cup. I've gain about 4 kgs so far, will they save growing? I still have another 6 kgs to be in motion..just looked-for to make sure this is conventional.
I think my daughter is going through her extent but she won't talk to me just about it what do i do?
its normal if thats where on earth you gain weight-
some people gain solidity in different areas- im a chest and hip girl- thats where on earth i gain and lose the quickest-
take it adjectives in stride and wallow in!
Yup yup yup. Its one of the first places that gain fat..
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