G Spot?

So me and my fiance have be reading about the g spot since im not one of the 1% of women who orgasm form access. He thinks its awesome and think it would be so cool to make me "" (since most women release abundantly of a clear liquid when you stimulate the g spot) im a bit werided out by the though of "cuming" but ive heard its such an amazing orgasm. anyone own any tips to help realize orgasm with brochure stimulation of the g spot? and ive heard that it swells to the size of a wallnut after stimulation. can you own vaginal sex after words? help please!

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Here's what worked for me: Get a pocket rocket, you hold that on your clit full blast while he's bangin' ya and massage your vaginal g-spot - have him suckin' on (or playing with) your titties while he's doing it -- with his free appendage. When you're about to you'll probably have a feeling like your gonna pee - but don't be ashamed - agree to go and you'll own the most mind blowing orgasm ever. Then - eventually you'll learn how to resembling that when you two are having intercourse - short the toys. It takes some time and practice -- but don't confer up! Do it in front of the mirror or wear some sexy lingerie, Or try smoking some reefer or have a couple glasses of vino beforehand - it'll assistance you get into the right frame of mind and you'll be 10 times more sensitive to touch.

I am have the never ending spell. Is this normal?

The come hither - hold your fiance bend his finger while the finger is in your **.

Stimulation has to come from inside, not from outside.

Try to hide away it for your honeymoon if possible..

what cause a bad smell contained by vagina?

it's all honourable, just walk with it and don't hurt yourself, you'll be fine.

What do you quality after sex?

The G spot can be found on the front side of your vagina, at about partially the way. You can find it, but it`s more fun during a valid intercourse. Try the LOTUS pose from the kama sutra. With that is the easyest to find.

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And you are how old? Who have been describing you all that crap?
What 1%? Walnut?!

I touch stupid but?

For ages, many populace did not believe in the existance of the so-called "G-spot", and to this daytime (as far as I know of it) the G-spot is not located in a standard are on a woman's body, so if the G-spot exists, it's a grill of finding out exactly where it is.

Also (as a sidenote again) lots people don't believe within female ejaculation although it does exist (one of my aunts-in-law "suffers" from womanly ejaculation every time she has an orgasm). One woman I've talk to at work is a firm believer in the G-spot, while she refuse the existance of female ejaculation, motto it's probably uncontrollable bladder reflex or something of the like.

Now on to the leading subject: My wife thinks she have discovered her G-spot, but unfortunatly she cannot reach it herself; solitary while we are "fornicating" in two specific positions does my slightly curves penis actually stimulate her G-spot and her resulting orgasms are mind shattering, she tell me.

But since (so far) we have simply been competent to acheive this via penetration, I couldn't report you if she has "ejaculated". I would conjure up not so, because I think I would have a feeling it if she did. although I must admit that usually when she's have her G-spOrgasm (get it?) I don't notice mch of anything else!

So I would own to say that it adjectives depends on the woman and how her internal workings were designed. I would suggest you experiment and not gie up if you can't find a conventional conclusion within the first few tries.


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No disrespect Buttermna but by definition you can not be fornicating with your wife.

Fornication is sex between UNmarried populace.

But the G-spot info was OK.


My wife's g-spot is pretty uncomplicated to find. I have never have a problem finding it on any woman I dated before her. I hold only be iwth one woman who ejaculated and she surprised herself doing it the first time we be together. She had never have that much g-spot stimulation.

I usually do it while performing oral on her with the index finger stimulating the g-spot. It get firmer as it engorges with blood formerly she comes.

Once i get the g-spot stimulated in good health, pentrating her from behind contained by doggy style gets a GREAT orgasm.

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