I think my daughter is going through her period but she won't talk to me about it what do i do?


What could cause me not have my periods for two months?

I'm a teen girl...so I defiently know this!
LEAVE HER ALONE! Seriously, when she is in place she will talk to you. However, my suggestion is buy diverse pads and tampons, put them on her bed near a sticky note that have her name on it. Hopefully, she'll realilze you are in attendance to help her. Oh and btw-please DO NOT share ANY experiences of ANY species with her. I'm inert serious, it just doesn't minister to teen girls!

What's your opinion on the Depo-Provera birth control shot?

let her come to you. she will eventually. dont embarrass her and sort her talk to you

Are near any ways to preferrably concieve a BOY instead of a girl?

A lot of people furnish their children way to much space and freedom. A close friendship should own been established between the two of you a long time ago, where on earth she would come to you about something close to this. It's no big deal - if she requirements you, she'll come to you, if not and you're concerned, MAKE her confer to you. She's your child after all and you are the parent - lug control of the situation!

Birth Control Pill. Reclipsen.?

Do you mean her first length ever? Well if she doesn't want to talk around it , maybe you could return with her some reading materials. There are books out there aimed at teens and aren't simply stuffy medical pamphlets. I would't force her to reach a deal to you. That will make her even more discomfited. This is an akward time for girls(come on you know you all remember how it felt), she's in recent times nervous.

Make sure she know where to find pad & tampons.

Have you actually approached her almost it?

What's the perferct size?

Try writing her a note and going away it on her pillow, in her bathroom, contained by the book she's reading, wherever she'll see it. Just communicate her that you're here to help, and will receive her anything she needs.

Missed my length last month and afraid I might be pregnant.?

when you walk grocery shopping take her near you, and act similar to your on your period, and buy tampons or pad. Maybe tell her a story in the order of when you started yours and how supportive your mom was. Maybe she will fell comfortable if she see's that you enjoy your period every month, if wait until she comes to you. Maybe the intention she isnt tell you this is I don`t know she is the 1st of her friends to get in that period...

How do you grain about an 18 yr prehistoric getting breast implants?

dont verbs she will tell you sooner or after that, when i got mine i didnt want to communicate my mom because it was merely akward and embarrasing, and if she doesnt tell you purely ask her but dont question alot it can cause the conversation more uncomfortable to her

What am i suppose to do?

Tell her you notice she has be a little "down" lately and you needed to do something special together, like travel shopping. Then, when you are around the hygiene area, travel "look" for some shampoo or something, and ask her if, while you are there, if she wishes anything. Or pretend like you want some, and then find some of those things directed specifically at teens and speak something like "Oh look honey, these will come surrounded by handy for you soon." Maybe she'll be like "Yeah, resembling RIGHT NOW."

When should a 16 year old girl.?

ask her to newly pick up one of the "women's" only book in the region of those kind of things. see if she feel comfortable reading that and then she will hopefully come to you nearly it.

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