Is the Birth Control Patch really dangerous the way they say?

I have be on the Birth control Pill for about 5 or 6 years immediately. I am sick of taking the pill and want to try another method but I have hear some bad entity about the patch and thats what i be leaning towards...because the shot have caused everybody contained by my family to gain mass so i know it will be tha same with me. so is it ok to try the patch or should i try another method and if so which one?

What is the average cargo for a 5"0?

The patch has a really high plane of hormones, much more than birth control pills. That is what is leading to the more serious side effects. The likelihood of getting a blood clot or stroke is much higher than they first predicted. I am in recent times waiting for it to be banned. All morning long I see commercials for class action lawsuits against it. If you don't want to transport the pill try the Nuva Ring or an IUD.


Oh no the patch is just fine. Everyone be only kid.

Would you please advise me a slogan for cervix cancer?

It's dicey, too many side effects. I used to work surrounded by a Doctor's Office and he highly recommended for women to stop taking the pill or using the patch. He suggested using the films that you can insert and they work as a barrier. Hope this help...

my question is i be taking vitex for about 2 weeks and 2 days. very well what i want to know is that i been?

Veryyyyyyyyy treacherous, I was on it for a year and started have side effects. I almost had a stroke thats totally scary. I loved the patch but it's not safe and sound.

Which birth control pill do you think is best?

using the patch is no different than using the pill except that you use it once a month instead of every sunshine.
also the hormones get into your system minus going thru the stomach and liver.

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