*Girls solely please, girl robustness!*?

i'm almost 14, and i still didn't get my spell! is there somthing wrong? adjectives my frinds got it around the age of 10. also, near is this white liquidy stuff coming out, what is that?
it's scary, it doesn't smell though. plz facilitate! thnks,

Answers:    its totally normall...i got mine wen i be 13, not every1 gets' it at 10, tho most do...i noe some1 who didnt get theres' till' they be 14 or 15 yrs. old.and near r also ppl who dont even have theirs on the other hand and their 16yrs. and tht white liquidy stuff is called discharge, it help clean out microbes from "down there"
ps. wen u do get it tho, be prepared to relate ur mom because they can be annoyin' wen findin' this stuff out...lol wen i had 2 transmit mi mom, she went out and told literally EVERY1 i noe.../includin' family connections! best of luck!

dont wrry, its' all conventional, trust mi...!!//
I would say that most girls catch there extent between the ages of 12 and 14 so you are right on schedule. As for your discharge i.e. perfectly commonplace. If you ever see it change colors or start to smell you should see a doctor though. Nothing to verbs about! Actually that white liquidy stuff is a mucous that girls customarily get around the times of their extent. It is totally normal. Some girls capture their periods more rapidly than others. NOthing to be alarmed about. I get mine when I was 13. There is no exact age to seize it.
ok First off everyone have their period at different ages and here is nothing wrong near you. It mostly depends on your weight, stress, pubic fuzz, and when your mom or siblings got it, but not other. The white liquidy stuff is discharge and almost every girl has it, and it money that you are getting read to have your length, mybe in a month or I don`t know in a year, or even contained by a week. NO ONE KNOWS, but you..when you get it. So don't verbs. Oh and about the discharge you can wear a panyliner so it doesnt bring it on your undies! trust me its better if it comes late
you will gain your period soon dont verbs sumtimes some girls are slower than others.. and your fine thats only discharge and from what your tellin me it sounds respectable becasue if it isnt a werid color besides white and it smells fishy then u hold a problem.

hope i helped :]
Your interval should start within one year of developing breasts or by age 16. If your breasts are fully developed and it have been over a year, you could see a doctor. The discharge sounds everyday. If you are sexually active and are worried it may be an sexually transmitted infection, you should move about to the doctor. The average age to get your term is 13, so most of your friends were really hasty! The liquid stuff which is coming out is totally everyday vaginal discharge. It's your vagina's way of keeping itself nourishing and moist. You start getting it before your first spell shows up, and after that the amount and consistency will vary depending where on earth in your cycle you are, but you will enjoy some every day. It's piece of being a woman. You can wear pantyliners to protect your underwear.
The white discharge is without a flaw normal and is a sign that you will capture your period soon. You can wear a panty liner to keep hold of your underpants clean.

PS: I didn't procure my first period until 16. Hang contained by there.
Yeah, a short time ago be happy you haven't started it however. it sucks so much.
With the cramps and everything i spend half my sunshine (even in school) throwing up.
The white stuff is in recent times discharge, like it's cleaning itself.

Your lucky!

Don't EVER forget that
You getting equipped to have it..You can discharge up 6months beforehand you start your period. Nothing is wrong beside you your body is adjusting next to your body not your friends. You will get it dont verbs, some women don't get it until they are 19. i influence you go girl! because when it happen, you'll hate it. what a affliction in the butt. only enjoy your tampon free days. don't verbs, getting your period doesn't build up who you are. i know everyone wants to fit contained by and grow up fast at your age, but someday you'll look hindmost and be greatful you didn't have to verbs about have your period so hasty. just sit rear legs and enjoy time, it doesn't make you any smaller number of a young woman. suspend in at hand. growing up is hard, but don't try and do it so efficient. because before you know it, you'll be wish you were a kid again.
Don't verbs you will get it eventually.Every girl get one.I don't see why you would be in such a hurry.Enjoy not have one while you can.The white stuff is a normal discharge and a sign that you will be getting it soon.You can't compare this to your friends because everybody's body is different. its ok you may of late be a late bloomer. i know someone who didnt get hold of it till they were 16. the discharge is usual but it is also a sign that you will be getting it soon. once you start to get pubic har is a sign too. you most predictable wont get your term until you have profoundly of pubic hair. be festive that youdont have your spell yet because when you hold it you will hate it. iknow you want it because its of late part of growing up...i be axious for it too before i get it. but again, he happy you are lucky.
this resources you are soon going to be growning pubic hair and starting your extent anytime soon.
i had equal thing darlin.
nil to worrie about.
Don't verbs, I'm 14 and I got mine a month after my birthday, I have the same situatuion beside the discharge. Try wearing pantyliners, they're really thin and you capture used to them eventually. Every one grows differently but I know how it feels, thinking that you'll never draw from your period and that your "different". It's totally average. As soon as I got mine I call my mom and she came and get me from a friends house. At first the bleeding can be really strong but by the third day you should be more comfotable . When I first get mine I seriously thought that I was bleeding to departure lol. In ancient civilizations women where if truth be told worshiped because they could loose so much blood every month without dying, it's if truth be told really amazing because if a man suffered that blood lose every month they would probably die. Just don't worry in the order of it and enjoy the time you own left lacking it. And never let any one bring in you feel close to a little kid a short time ago because you haven't gotten your period, the mind ages faster later the body.

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