What are some negative side effects of a tummy tuck?

Someone stated, "people hold gone on to get cancer after the procedure". Wondering if nearby are negative side effects to expect about.
The entity is 5'2", weighs almost 108 and had a 9 1/2 lb. newborn a few years ago.

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possibility of infection in the incision (any operation runs that risk)

if she is live after surgery she can get blood clots and start bleeding inside and enjoy to go support to the doctor to have it drained

take about 3-4 years for the stomach muscles to fully alleviate unless she is only have a mini tuck (they dont cut the stomach muscles then)

Ive never heard of someone getting cancer from a tummy tuck, they are giving you false information. If they get cancer it was not due to the tummy tuck.

I have two children each c-sections. I gain a lot of immensity with respectively. Im short and have slightly dry skin. I lost the bulk and had skin sagging, so I opted for a mini tuck, no lipo, no muscle adjectives. I am glad I went through the procedure. It wasnt painless, but it wasnt anything effective as painful as my c-sections be. The scar is singular a couple inches longer than my original c-section deformity, it is below the bikini line. I be aware of a lot better something like my body and am not self conscious anymore when having sex next to my husband. I have to articulate the extra skin didnt bother him , but it sure affected me mentally when I dressed, bathed, have sex, or went swimming.

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As expected, you will have anguish and swelling in the days following surgery. Your doctor can prescribe a painkiller if needed and will instruct you on how to best fiddle with the pain. Soreness may ultimate for several weeks or months.

You may also experience numbness, bruising and overall tiredness for that same time period.

As next to any surgery, there are risks. Remember, this surgery affects a incredibly crucial part of your body. Though they're uncommon, complications can include infection, bleeding under the skin flap or blood clots. You may take an increased risk of complications if you have poor circulation, diabetes or heart, lung or liver disease.

You may experience insufficient curative, which can cause more significant scarring or loss of skin. If you do restore to health poorly, you may require a second surgery.

As we mentioned before, the scar from a tummy tuck are fairly prominent and though they may fade slightly, they will never completely disappear. Your surgeon may recommend dependable creams or ointments to use after you've completely heal to help near the scars.

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A tummy tuck is major surgery and as such the procedure does hold a certain amount of risk. Infections or other complications due to surgery such as blood clots or severe swelling hold been reported. If you resume physical pursuit too soon, you can also severely damage your abdominal muscles. This can organize to other serious conditions such as hernias or aneurisms.

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Tummy tucks are broad words. It depends on the proceedure and the surgeon. Most will do lipo and then if needed a resection and removal of excess skin. The majority of complications are surgical ..ie swelling...infections, frenzy, and scar tissue beside adhesions. Do your homework on the doctor...ask for referral...check him with the state license board to see if he has have complaints..

Then make an informed finding on his skills and reputation. I have never hear of cancer as a side affect. I worked for a plastic surgeon for a number of years and i.e. never one i encountered. Side effects are related to the surgery iteslf and are adjectives with anyone who have surgery. Pain and risk of infection being the biggest two.

Good luck

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Negative side effects: Costs a lot of money, is a trunk operation with copious possible complications, severe post-surgical pain, long repossession time, will be advised by doctor not to hold anymore children after procedure, if you gain weight the large will go to really strange places because your stomach fat will be reduced, so one pound can show up on your chin, your arms or your d??colletage.

Get over yourself, dear, and enjoy the change your body has gone through since childbirth. They are common and expected, and you should be proud of being competent to carry and deliver a big, on top form baby. Besides, no event how thin you are, as you capture older everything falls and sags and droops anyway. There is zilch you can do about it except own more surgery. Even women who have other been a size six attain rolls and creases by the time they're 50.

Don't listen to popular culture. It's not the real world.

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