1 for the girls. when you are about to take your monthly or when you are on..?

what negative change happen to your body?
My mane goes dull, my eye lashes shrunken, i get the uncharacteristic spot, and i wake contained by the night craving for sweet stuff.

Its a strong life human being a woman! ;-p

How does the sperm and ovum fuse together?

omg where do i start lol

hair a mess
skin very dry
nail brittle
very tired
crippling stomach cramps
fluid retention to the extreme
hunger/craving for carbohydrates
migraine for 3/4 days
capability to burst into tears at the slightest word


ability to commit mass murder!!

im sure if it be men that suffered then a 'cure' would own been found years ago lol

the week after my interval i feel fantastic, zilch can touch me, great skin, great hair, full of confidence, loads of perkiness (wish i felt similar to that all the time)


never mind girls, we enjoy the menopause to look forward to

If I get "fixed" will I still enjoy periods?

I catch moody and irritable I have dry skin and I procure spots and I could eat anything that moves :(

i hold really bad spell cramps, got any tips?

i abominate that time ov month i get spots on my posterior and really tired all the time reall bad cramps too if lone men knew what we dance through and i lose my appitite

How can I find out?

Ahh.. the hormones!

ive just mesured myself is a 34C a angelic size for a 27 year old?

i receive really bitchy and mean

do tampons enjoy side effects?

My stomach gets adjectives bloated, and I gain dozens of tiny spots. Something to look forward to every month..

Im 21 this yr & i'm not pregnant and have never be so why do i always own that brown line on my tummy?

Three days prior I am VERY sluggish, I don't want to speak to anyone at all. However, I don't own any other particular things although I other think my quill is dull and I usually get one big spot. But hey! It could be plentifully worse, I could be a man!

How long after getting you belly pierced can u..?

I feel approaching tears for about a time, my skin looks dull and I feel bloated and unsexy :(

if u woke up one morning and your butt be sore would u tell anyone?

i achieve cramps in my stomach and my legs turn weak. i take the odd spot on my frontage and my hair get flatter and sometimes greasier. and unless i eat chocolate i have a feeling really depressed- which is a nuisance coz chocolate make me gain weight and more spots. and im largely more tempremental and moodier.
but i generally dont enjoy a problem with my extent. it has its negative but they arent that bad...

Why would a girl, whose interval is late (but not unusually late), bleed after sex?

I constantly touch sleepy and annoyed, someone could say "hi" to me and I look at them similar to they insulted me. I don't eat much any. I'll be hungry, get something to munch through and just stare at it and be similar to, "this looks so disgusting," and then I won't munch through it. I hate everyone, and I quality like everyone know it's that time of the month. I feel bloated and own cramps so bad that I could slaughter myself. I'm not someone you'd want to be around.

How can I . . .?

I'm 4weeks late NO CANT be Pregnant unless I'm the Virgin Mary lol,
Iv suffered adjectives the symptoms over the past 4 weeks as very well,
cravings, bloating, feeling down, unusual spots, very listless, weakness, snappy.! never used to when i be younger.!
They've stopped before for 7years.!

I am 12 years frail and i have white discharge?

freezing adjectives the time!!

crave sweet stuff, irritable, lank hair, tired

I have sex for the first time when i was 16.. and presently i'm 18 that was the first and finishing time..?

I get extremely sensitive, moody, and paranoid. I become valid tired and I over sleep during that time of the month.Thankfully, I don't get bleak cramps only spinal column aches and premonition bloated. Start getting teary eyed over anything and depressed. Meh, I'm use to it though by now.

Bladder Problem?

Is it newly me or is PMT worse when your in a relationship? Hmmm of late a thought......lol

Is it normal?

All and some of the above enjoy happened to me. Jennifer your answer cracked my up. If men have to go through adjectives this, talk in the region of birth control..

Have a good darkness and pass the chocolate or cookies or sugar bowl please.

How long does it pinch to walk 3/4 mile of a mile ?

It's if truth be told to do with the reality that nature is describing the world something: I'm on the monthly and cannot breed. Don't come near me.

It's adjectives because in humour, females who look the best attrack the males and therefore, mate and own a better chance of breeding. Nature consequently takes it upon itself to gross those who aren't able to breed and breed them less attractive to the conflicting sex.

However, it could also be because the body is shedding nutrients as it sheds the inner wall of the uterus. So, to try to balance itself out, it take nutrients from other parts of the body and makes you crave things to try to return with back into be a foil for, although sometimes, the cravings are just to form the concious feel better almost itself...I think. I'm going out on a upper limb on this one.

Not the best of happenings in the world, but hey, it happens to adjectives us woman.

Birth Control question?

Abdominal bloating, cravings for sweet things, sore lower back, the abnormal headache, short tempered - should I step on? lol Still I guess it could be worse, at least presently I don't get the really bleak cramps that used to double me over like I did when I be a kid.

Need some Help about the Depo-Provera Shot!?

i take really emotional and moody earlier it then when im on i could chomp through anything and everything and get soo spotty ud mistake me for a juvenile

What are the symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome?

yeah its a blast heheh being immensely sarcastic my coat goes remarkably greasy b4 i come on i eat More afterwards normal a few wks b4 i jump quite and next i av trouble sleeping when am on tossing and turning yeah and my stomach goes a touch big x

Should i be having pains?

I simply want to cry all the time!

I climax contained by my sleep?

wow that's a good article to ask,
the week leading up to my time of year i get awfully moody, cant sleep, get especially very horny, put away next to zilch and my feet swell up approaching balloons next,
i come on and i can and do eat resembling I've been starved for weeks gain even more moodier coz being on i can't hold the sex i want and my hair have no life contained by it and cant do anything with it but tie it rear legs,
then the week after oh wow i can acquire back into my skinny fit jeans and my coat looks and feels great and best of adjectives i get the sex I'd be craving for.

Do you hate human being on periods during summer?

skin become very soft
extremely tired sleepy almost, sooner or later before begins
hips hurt

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