Im 13 year hoary near boob problems.sustain!

hey im 13 years old and im a 34A
i get made fun of by guys,and even guys im friends near for being flat
its horrible and it makes me discern realy bad=[
ive tried many methods of making them bigger
i need to be a B at lowest possible
help pleaseee

Answers:    Your only 13 they will grow soon. dont verbs its only a short time that they will be making fun of you, soon they will be whistle you..
The fact is: everyone is different. No amount of "boob exercises" or pills or anything is going to change that. Give your body time to develop. Trust me, you're not done growing at 13. Pretty soon they'll be green with envy of you, not making fun of you.

In the mean time...wear a padded bra if it still make you uncomfortable. Stuffing is only going to give notice room for an embarassing situation should something happen. :)

Dont worry around it!.
Well there are excersizes to make them bigger most adjectives are push ups but they have to be done corectly and I also heard that ingestion patatoes and vegetables help them grow faster but for now forget them flaunt someting els they dOn't .your 13 you own a lOt more time for them to grow but for now air,dampen,padded,and push up bras are your friend just dOn't tolerate anyone know that and atleast you have some well hope this help try being made fun of for being a c
and folks saying you
had plastic surgery
for two years
and coming home and crying every sunshine

you should ignore them
and tell them if they dont stop
your gonna charge them for
sexual harrasment
thats what i do
and they shut up right away
its surrounded by my schools hand book
that if a student or students comments on someones
body its speaking sexual harrasment

But i just never had plenty courage to tell my principal
since hes a boy.
I had duplicate problem at your age. Alot of 14 year olds have big boobs but trust me, they feel as self-conscious about them as you do. Growing up is hard, empire can be mean. Just love yourself and your body. Focus on your traits that you love and the rest will come. I didn't get boobs until I be in my 20's and now I preference they were smaller, they get surrounded by the way. No one is compleely comfortable with what they own. Sweetie, I was the same means of access.
People are gonna make fun of u regardless! Just ignore.
It can be really unyielding, but just try.. If a guy can't accept you for who you are, afterwards he is not worth being friends with or discussion to at all.
You're still young.. you are steady growing..
Don't be contained by any rush.. you have time!
So sit back, and delight in yourself for you!!
Good Luck with everything darling.
sweetheart i hate to put a downer on it, but im 19 and still an A, dont worry so much individuals get over you may never get over or you may revise to deal with it contained by the future but just remember your just 13, boobs stop groing around 18ish so if any one should panic its me

its all inheritance and unfortunately unless you gain a whole lot of bulk, your boobs aren't just going to magically appear...its ok to be a late bloomer! Be glad you aren't FAT and own a HUGE butt to go with your HUGE boobs! Don't quality bad hun your only 13, so here is plenty of time to get bigger, and i'm 16 and the same size as you, so i know how your emotion!.
At 13 you're pretty much supposed to be flat.. They'll grow eventually!! Most women aren't completely developed until they're about 25..
you can always merely get a water bra they other make boobs look bigger or get a really fitting push up bra they'll do wonders = ].
i no what to do STUFF! just kidding dont listen to what they voice and ur lucky at least u got a bit bit of boobs i have none and im 12 (p.s. im a double a) well this make some people feel better and it is true.....
i get my first period on CHRISTMAS
that was that WORST contribution EVER!

did it help and there is that point that you like work out ur boobs to make them bigger.
done verbs about ur boobs im 11 and my boobs are 34b and boys call me bombs they are nice sometimes but when you seize them you will regret it trust me i hate my boobs dont worry adjectives my friends are flat! we cant help u make them grow faster but u can take a padded pushup 1. padded make it look bigger
2. pushup give u more cleavage which looks like u hold big boobs.
Well I'm 14 and I don't have like thee biggest boobs. I suggest I have some but not big ones. (: and I think 34A is pretty accurate for a 13 year old.

i am 19 and a sounds like the guys you are "friends" beside are complete a$sholes. No guy friend of mine would EVER comment on my chest.

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