How can I find out?

I've been haveing a great deal pelvic pain, have yellowish and a little brown discharge, dizziness and abnormal down there. How can I find out minus having a pap smere. I really don't want them tinkering beside me. I just wanna find out and enjoy it fixed.

Te preg tests say negative so.

Weird spots surrounded by my arms because I was playing volleyball??!!?

I would proposal making an apt. with your doc., they involve to run some test to trademark sure it is nothing serious. Your body is trying to relate you something, pain is usually a honourable indicator something might be wrong.


sounds like pregnant to me, i have the same things whenever i get keep on a few weeks and then pilfer another test.

Got a doc appointment subsequent week, am i loosing my mind?

impossible to tell short looking and getting a culture--which would require a speculum exam, not necessarily a pelvic. everyone equates the two, but you don't necessarily always receive a pap when you get a spec exam.

Summers eve, i've used it & presently i have some irritation. i'm on my extent so should i use a tampon?

gosh it might me bacterial vaginosis...i'd go to the docs if i were you

Late extent and now brown discharge!?

Sometimes you simply have to bite the bullet and stir ahead with a pap smear even when you don't want to. There could be moderately a few things wrong with you and you obligation to take strictness of it. Pap smears are never fun, but they are necessary and a natural decision .Good Luck!

why does drug addicted women want to carry pregnant?

You probably have a infection, but they will necessitate a pap to get some results.Some infections are in the blood and can show up near.After this episode use protection every time and be careful beside your body...Go to the Dr..

Help! Is this myth true?

go to the doctor for the 40th time

If you dont have the adjectives sence to GET OFF OF Y/A and go ASK a doctor what your problem is, afterwards i dont know what to yell you.

We can not wrinkle a magic wand and distribute you a period. i am only convince you are just plan ol RETARDED and have need of to be sterilized for the sake of Humanity

(people, look at her question history!)

-------- EDIT------
THIS IS HER REPLY TO ANOTHER QUESTION SHE POSTED WHEN I TOLD HER TO GO TO THE DOCTOR: "I did step. She said it's all within my head. She didn't eve ask me to jump get a pap smere. And m stomach is getting bigger close to I have a stretch dupe. I don't want a pap smere"


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