i have really bad period cramps, got any tips?

I am a girl of 16 and am having really vile interval cramps that come and go. yes i am on my interval, which is unusaly heavy. i cannot be pregnant i havent have sexual intercourse with anybody. i in recent times need a tip to support ease the aching. pacetmol doesnt work as i find them too weak. and i enjoy taken a ibprufen tablet but i dont like taken more than 3 within one day as it make me feel unwell. has anybody get anytips that can help?


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Go see the FEMALE gyno doc

Please not cervical cancer?

Take pills for IBS. They stop cramping.

I'm have a cone biopsy done soon. What about my livelihood?

very heavy period and a heavy flow usially are indications of pcos stir to your doc for a strnger med while your on your periods birth control help that as well your symptoms will get hold of better within a few cycles

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Try eating bananas, every afternoon. I used to get unacceptable cramp (not stomach) and a friend suggested bananas. I eat one everyday and hold never had a cramp since.

i entail serious answers now from women?

Birth control pills give support to regulate and eliminate cramps. Toradol is correct but you need a prescription for that.

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I hate to suggest something that can't give a hand you right now, but try adding up calcium supplements to your diet. They've helped reduce the pain for myself and heaps of my friends. Otherwise, try sitting with a hot hose bottle over your lower abdomen. I surface for you, I've gone through it as well :(

Ouch. Period aching. Help!?

Dring strong cinnamon tea (boiling cinnamon sticks in water next draining water and drinking it). And sit in a squatting position and rest your herald and arms on the bed

How old?

try bake pads/ hot water bottle that should sustain ease the misery and next month filch evening primrose tablets a week before and during your time. i'm in exactly impossible to tell apart situation as you are in very soon.

Water and menstruation?

Extremely hot bath. And a trip to the doctor. This could be a sign of something serious. Sometimes, believe it or not, if you find a position on your vertebrae and push your finger into your belly button for a good bit of time, the cramps will relaxation up. It works for me sometimes.

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I sympathise with you. Try holding a hot marine bottle (wrapped in a towel) on your tummy, and dance to bed for a while, have you thought almost going on the pill? That usually relieves period misery, it might be an idea to hold a chat with your doctor, hope you get the impression better soon.

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Nurofen worked best for me - even better than prescribed stuff. Also ask your pharmacist.

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believe it or not but chocolate is supposed the best remedy , i know as it works for my daughter who is only 17, and no she is not tubby either!

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Try some peppermint cordial. I use it to ease my torment. Also it is a good hypothesis to take evening primrose grease everyday that should help for adjectives periods. If this does not facilitate then the pill is something you can try. I am on the pill to relieve with my monthly pains NOT for contraception wishes. If peppermint cordial or evening primrose don't help speak to doctor around going on the pill for your pains.


Try taking the homoeopatic remedy sepia, its natural next to no side effects unlike the pill.

Solving Acne?

Feminax - from the chemist. Heat pads backing too.

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hotwater bottle is great, i use ibrufen or nurofen. taking supplements the week up to that time does also help. i als own a cream which i brought from rsa ,which is used for cramping and other ailments which helps. perchance see if there is a crampping cream locally that you canuse. be in motion to a health shop ,if you don't want to pilfer the usual painkillers, i am sure they will have something innate to use. It took me a while to learn what works best for me,so if one doesn't work ,try another. well brought-up luck.

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take advil and hot compress. it help a lot.

What size?

in my bag the doctor prsecribed mefenamic acid. it worked brilliantly but aggravated my IBS! birth control pills are adjectives but can result in surprising side affects like weightiness gain and really bad skin! the best remedy i own used is raspberry leaf tea and vitamin e tablets. also it is best to purloin some gentle exercise (like tai chi), which in reality does help relieve the aching.

if you dont have one already, you could attain yourself a cat as they do make wonderfully inherent little hot water bottles, lol!

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I am 24 and I own the same problem. What you can do it run a heating wipe and place it on the area cramping. The warmness will help relax your muscle which should decline your pain. Also gossip to your Dr. about birth control it help regulate and helps near some pain. Is here anyone in your relations with Endometriosis? This is where on earth the lining of your uterus can travel else where on earth in your body and can effect very bumpy cramps. I have to steal oxycodone to control my pain for endometriosis. Check next to your Dr. and try the heating wipe it should help. It save me form having to pinch those pain killer.

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Ask yourself.do your period pains surface worse when you have have too much fluid intake..if so..when you are on a period don't drink as much fluid.I be told a while ago that too much fluid intake when you are on a period can brand them heavier and more painful, probably this is your problem.when i am on a period i don't drink as much and my period aren't as painful or unwieldy as before

Just self curious?

Bad menstrual pain is recurrently associated with indigestible 'clotting' during a period (this would fit near the particularly heavily built period you're having). Aspirin may work better than parceamol (if you can pilfer it of course), hot water bottle over the lower belly & believe it or not, exercise - it helps the blood to flow better, try going for a brisk tramp. Sounds cruel I know, but as an ex-dancer I can tell you it does work.

Is this middle-of-the-road??

I used to have equal problem, dear.
Very painful cramps since I my first length, when I was 11 and really significant blood loss, so that I suffered from anaemia.
Now I'm on the pill and things are much more better.
The singular thing I can suggest you is to stir to your doctor, maybe own a gynaecological exam and ask if the pill would be suitable for you. Good luck!


Try to lower your saline intake about a week back you are due on. Salt encourages the body to store more wet which gives you more of that bloated self-conscious feeling. If you are looking for a drug to help out then the strongest over the counter i enjoy found is PARAMOL. You will find it in the chemist alongside Ibuprofen etc and it is in a black box.

Is this normal?

hot hose down bottle and a very hot tub paracetamol and codeine from boots chemist and a large choc hotel

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