do tampons have side effects?

i have never used tampons and i want to try them very soon. i want to know if there are any disadvantages of using tampons

A couple of form questions?

Tampons don't hold 'side-effects' per say, it is more to do near the health risks that tampons pass as well as other issues such as their environmental impact that is to say bigger than most people realise, social issues about menstrual taboos, history such as TSS surrounded by the 1980's or Dioxin in the 1990's where companies allowed the risk to verbs, and political issues surrounding manufacturing and law protecting companies from giving information on how they make products.

A lot of women do report increased menstrual flow and menstrual cramping when using tampons over other option such as pads or cups. This is because for one tampons are unpromising for vaginal health as the robustness of the vagina affects menstrual health it can own negative effects, also because of the mode in which tampons are made.
Some tampons are made by adjectives horizontal strips out of the fleece and rolled up like swiss-rolls, where on earth as others are made by using diagonally cut fleece so they expand lengthways rather than lately widthways – by expanding length-ways they can expand into the cervix already sensitive due to menstruation increasing cramping, tampons in general expand so can attach to bloating.

When it comes to risks there are a equal few, many of which can give the impression of being small but contribute to a greater risk of health problems, commercial tampons are the most unfavourable out of over twenty different menstrual options and the just menstrual options to produce and contribute to fatalities. Most people are uninformed of health risks and issues involved next to tampons and other menstrual options, even tons GP's will be unaware of such issues but at hand is an increasing number of people (not newly women) informing themselves and information on these issues is slowly becoming more widely available.

As for actual risks the common problems are infections such as bacterial vaginosis or yeast infections, vaginal splitting, roughage loss, prevention of normal vaginal self-cleaning functions, and chemicals exposure – obviously there is also TSS, although dying out a serious disease that official statistics are greatly plain due to the way contained by which they record 'public servant' TSS cases.

Tampons are a plug of material to prevent menses and discharge going away the body during menstruation thus preventing the vagina from self-cleaning or in other words getting harmful germs out of the vagina.
Menstrual blood is very nutritious so microbes thrive off this, the tampon also provides a pores, moist and heat environment that is sound for both bacteria and yeast to multiply that commonly cause infections.
The dryness of the tampon is also an issue because the vagina is made up of mucosa rather than skin so it is seriously more delicate and smooth to irritate as well as split due to friction or removal of vaginal fluids that hold the mucosa moist, this can also contribute to vaginal infections.
Fibres are also lost, although tested regularly in accordance to laws enforced following the outbreak of TSS in the 1980's near is still some fibre loss and so these fibre can remain within the vagina allowing microbes to continue to multiply contributing to infections.

Commercial tampons are made from non-organic cotton and pulp made from around 30% of the trees farm for making tampons and similar paper products, the final objects used within commercial tampons is more permeable than cotton alone thus increasing risk of infection (see above explanation) and increased risk of TSS.
Commercial tampons go through several unnecessary treatment and bleaching processes, these attach chemicals to the finished product that cause concern because companies are protected so that they do not own to tell customers what these products are – thus why companies used chlorine gas bleaching for so long short anything questioning it surrounded by the 1990's.
If these chemicals are harmful, which they are severely likely to be, consequently these are then person put into your vagina that is not lone a major orifice of your body but also because of the mucosa not have a protective top layer this allows for chemicals to go by into the body far easier.
Chemicals within commercial tampons can affect vaginal PH; this in turn can affect vaginal flora symmetry and so contribute or cause infections.
Many those are also allergic to these chemicals within tampons thus cause irritation and further vaginal and menstrual health problems.

Obviously the longer the personality leaves them in the greater the risk, however tampons are a vigour risk from the moment they are inserted into the vagina, they are also a risk to those who do not use tampons because of the issues of chemicals used during manufacturing polluting the environment.

You might want to consider safer option such as organic or cloth pad such as Natracare, Lunapads, or menstrual cups such as Divacup, Keeper, Mooncup, Lunette, Instead or if you do use tampons you can limit your risk by using natural tampons such as Natracare, sponge tampons like Jade & Pearl or homemade tampons.

Links on other menstrual option;

Links on tampon risks and issues;

I have an anorexic friend she know but?

i was allergic to them if you tend to enjoy skin allergies then you shouldn't try them

Im kinda freaked out to use tampons?

Just T.S.S or Toxic Shock Syndrome but i.e. only a problem if you don't rework them out when needed. There is a booklet in every box on the subject.

Is it typical to have basically a two day length?

yes they do they can cause a completely bad infection and it can murder u if u get it i quit useing them because of that and u cant check out of them in no longer consequently 4 hours

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I know this is a long answer but read it - every word. Tampons when used correctly are better for many women. Especially stirring women in sports, you don't want a wipe to show through your pants, etc., you can travel swimming. Read everything below and talk to your mother or a trusted full-grown about your concerns.

Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) is a serious but singular bacterial infection. TSS was originally related to the use of tampons, but it is now also agreed to be associated with the contraceptive sponge and diaphragm birth control methods. In bloody cases, TSS has resulted from wounds or surgery incisions where on earth bacteria own been competent to enter the body and cause the infection.

The symptoms of TSS include sudden elevated fever, a shaky feeling, runny diarrhea, headache, and muscle aches. If your child have these symptoms, it's important to nickname your child's doctor right away.

There are steps you can take to prevent TSS. Hand wash can play an important role contained by guarding against TSS. And if your daughter is just starting her menstrual term, she should understand what precautions she can steal to prevent this infection.

What Is Toxic Shock Syndrome?
There are actually two different types of this condition. Toxic shock syndrome, which is cause by Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, have been associated beside the use of tampons. (TSS was initially allied to a particular brand of tampons, which own since been taken past its sell-by date the market.) Although the exact nouns is still not clear, researchers suspect that certain types of high-absorbency tampons provided a moist, heat home where the germs could thrive.

Although TSS usually occurs contained by menstruating women, it can affect anyone who has any type of staph infection, including pneumonia, abscess, skin or wound infection, a blood infection call septicemia, or a bone infection called osteomyelitis.

A related infection, streptococcal toxic shock syndrome, or STSS, is cause by streptococcus bacteria. Most habitually STSS appears after streptococcus bacteria enjoy invaded areas of injured skin, such as cuts and scrapes, surgical wounds, and even chickenpox blisters. It almost never follows a simple streptococcus throat infection (strep throat).

Toxic shock syndrome
Toxic shock syndrome from staphylococcus starts suddenly near vomiting, high confusion (temperature at least 102 degree Fahrenheit [38.8 degrees Celsius]), a fast drop in blood pressure (with lightheadedness or fainting), liquid diarrhea, headache, sore throat, and muscle aches. Within 24 hours, a sunburn-like over-hasty appears. There also may be bloodshot eyes and an unusual redness beneath the eyelids or inside the mouth (and vagina in females). After that, broken blood vessels may appear on the skin. Other symptoms may include: confusion or other mental change; decreased urination; fatigue and hindrance; thirst; weak and speedy pulse; pale, cool, moist skin; and swift breathing.

Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (STSS)
Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome can happen following a streptococcus infection in the body, most commonly a skin infection or an infected wound. Within 48 hours of infection, the person's blood pressure drops scarily low, and he or she may have confusion, dizziness, confusion, difficulty breathing, and a weak and swift pulse. The skin may be pale, cool, and moist, and within may be a blotchy rash that sometimes peel. The area around an infected wound can become swollen, red, and enjoy areas of severely damaged or dying flesh. The liver and kidneys may fire up to fail, and bleeding problems may develop.

The germs that cause toxic shock syndrome can be carried on unwashed hand and prompt an infection anywhere on the body. So hand wash is extremely important.

Females can weaken their risk of TSS by either avoiding tampons or alternating them beside sanitary napkins. If a girl uses only tampons, it's meaningful to choose tampons with the lowest absorbency that will feel her menstrual flow and to change the tampons frequently. Between menstrual period, it's a good impression to store tampons away from heat and moisture (where germs can grow) - for example, in a bedroom a bit than in a bathroom closet.

Because staphylococcus microbes are often carried on dirty hand, it's important to purify your hands thoroughly earlier and after inserting a tampon. If your daughter is just starting her menstrual time of year, she should know about taking these precautions. Any feminine who has recovered from TSS should check near her doctor before using tampons again.

The best defense against STSS is to verbs and bandage adjectives skin wounds as quickly as possible. Call your doctor promptly whenever a wound becomes red, swollen, or tender, or if a hallucination begins. Although STSS almost never follows strep throat, it's prudent to check with your doctor whenever your child have a sore throat with hallucination, particularly if your child's condition is worsening despite medical treatment.

Diagnosis and Treatment
Doctors typically diagnose TSS and STSS by doing a physical exam and conducting blood test that assess a child's liver and kidney function. In toxic shock syndrome, doctors may want to rule out conditions like measles or Rocky Mountain spotted frenzy, which can produce similar symptoms. A doctor may also take sample of fluid from an abscess, boil, or infected wound to look for a possible source of staphylococcus or streptococcus infection.

Doctors typically treat TSS with antibiotics. If near is a pocket of infection, like an abscess, a doctor also may obligation to drain the infected area. A child who have TSS is monitored for signs of shock until the condition has stabilized and seem to be improving. Steroids are also sometimes used to treat severe cases of TSS.

As next to TSS, doctors typically treat STSS with antibiotics and make a contribution intravenous fluids and medications to aver normal blood pressure. Surgery is sometimes essential to remove areas of dead skin and muscle around an infected wound.

When to Call Your Child's Doctor
Call your child's doctor right away if your child has any of the following signs and symptoms:

Signs of shock: Go to the emergency department without beating about the bush or call an ambulance if your child have cold hands and foot; a pulse that is vigorous and weak; confusion or other mental change; pale, moist skin; shortness of breath; strangely fast breathing; or a strong fear of anxiety or fear.
Signs of TSS: Look for restlessness; rash (especially a impulsive that looks like sunburn); nausea and vomiting; liquid diarrhea; confusion or other mental changes; and decrease urination. If your daughter uses tampons, ask her to tell you directly if she notices any unusual vaginal discharge, especially if it smells strange or impossible. Most of the time that will be due to other causes, but no situation the cause, it still rates evaluation.
Signs of STSS: Look for the symptoms of shock scheduled above, plus a fever; blotchy over-hasty; and an area of infected skin that is to say red, swollen, and painful.
Once you realize that something is wrong, it's historic to get medical attention right away. The sooner your child get treatment, the quicker the recovery will be.

Reviewed by: Barbara P. Homeier, MD
Date reviewed: June 2005
Originally reviewed by: Joel Klein, MD

WOMEN TELL ME:)Do you habitually get funny or irritating stomach noise..?

No tampons don't have any side effects. The worst entry that could happen would be toxic shock syndrome which is super super scarce and not likely to appear. I love tampons. They are way better than pad, and you hardly even know they are at hand. You will be just fine using them, and will be glad you started using them.

What could be wrong near me other then mortal pregnant?

Yes, if you use one that is too leaky then you run the risk of getting TSS Toxic Shock Syndrome, which is poisonous.

Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) is a serious but uncommon bacterial infection. TSS be originally linked to the use of tampons, but it is immediately also known to be associated near the contraceptive sponge and diaphragm birth control methods. In rare cases, TSS have resulted from wounds or surgery incisions where microbes have be able to enter the body and exact the infection.

The symptoms of TSS include sudden high disorientation, a faint response, watery diarrhea, headache, and muscle ache.

Hpv?? im afraid the dr said i have the virus but my pap smear come back commonplace? can you pls help me?

of course they do. Read the warning on the leaflet inside the packet! The big thing is to evolution them every few hours at most, and some women feel happier to not wear one at dark (wear towels instead) as this means have one in for 8 hours.

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There can be side effects. If the tampon is left within the body for a prolonged period of time, women hold been agreed to suffer from "toxic shock syndrome." If you remove them regularly as they fill up, I believe they are honourably safe.

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