My tampon keeps falling out. What am I doing wrong?

I am putting it in as far as I can, and it will start to come out within an hour usually, or two. Is this typical?

Is it safe for pregnant women to dye their down?

Your Not Supposed To Put It In Your ear!!

Could the pill cause this backache?

Just use a pad...kk? kk.

Mentrual cups?

boy thats a latest one i have never hear of that happening

I met this guy, he is really big down nearby. do you think its not detrimental for him to go adjectives the way within. smtimes i fee

It might be too big. The size of the tampon depends on how heavy the flow is. Try reading the instructions that come near all tampons too.

When women suffer from dampen retension & gain weight,does it also tight-fisted they are gaining oil?

You may not be inserting it correctly. I sometimes put my leg on the toilet and stand to insert it.
You know it is right when you can't feel it inside of you.

Weird Odor..?

It sounds similar to you do not have it inserted correctly.are you sure that you hold the angle right.experiment with different angles and you may find that it will jump in further near the right angle...also check the paperwork that comes with the tampons and follow the guidance carefully for insertion...hope this adjectives helps you...angelic luck..xx

What is the ungest age that u can take birht control?

Perhaps you aren't using a tampon near enough absorbtion? Maybe you should lately use pads, and progress them every couple of hours, each and every time you use the washroom. A arts school nurse should be able to demonstrate to you how to use a tampon. Until you see the nurse, use a regular wipe.

so i have pimples but they wont step away what is the best way to wash your obverse?

try standing on your head!

how do i seize rid of the rash i hold under my arms from using the wrong soap/deoderant for years?

Either you are letting it soak in too much (leaving it in too long) or you are wearing the wrong size. Try a larger size for days next to heavy flow and a smaller one for days next to light flow, although I wear the heavy-flow ones throughout my term and you can also try always wearing a panty-liner during your creamy flow days, just to be protected and clean. Hope I help. Good luck.

Hair on Vagina?

It can sometimes mean you hold to change it because it's jam-packed. If your pushing for some reason that might be it. Maybe its your body, you're not a tampon generous of gal. Size also matters.

me be anxious real anxious..what do i do about this?

If you put it within too far, it may cause an infection! Use a wipe.

Birth control pills?

I would say that it's any one of the following:

1) you aren't inserting it in high plenty.


2) the absorbency rate you are using is too low.

I find that when my flow is really heavy, here's sometimes too much for the tampon to absorb and I can be aware of it start to slide a little.

Do i enjoy anything to worry nearly with my period?

I don't think you're putting it far up adequate!
It has to be resembling at least 2 inches philosophical inside you.

Ive been referred too an endocrinologist as ive not all the same started my periods at 17?

that used to come about to me i started useing a bigger one and it stopped. So try that.

Whats that achy pain? Please help out.?


does anyone knows what is the create of person have alzheimer's disease?

try another 1 or try undoing the rapper

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