Mentrual cups?

How do they work? What's the deal?

Lately when i enjoy sex with my boyfriend it hurts more after usual,wat could cause this?

The reusable cups (Moon Cup, Diva Cup) fit inside the vaginal waterway causing a stamp near the cervix to block the menstrual flow. They're removed 3-4x a day, rinsed and reinserted.

Instead SoftCups are diaphragm-shaped and ambush the menstrual flow, and then are removed and disposed of after one use.

does anyone khow what small brown raise spots on the thighs might be they look like antiquated age spots?

They sound gross.

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Never hear of. Is there such a regard?

Motivation to Exercise and Menstruation?

They are little cups that hold the blood in it until you bring it out, they are very messy and gross i would not recommend them to anyone

Is it ordinary?

Link To This Website To Learn All About Menstrual Cups..
I Never Heard About This Either..Cool!

I am going in for my first physical exam in years.?

They are a rubber cup you insert into your vagina that fits over your cervix to catch the menstrual blood. You clutch it out when it feels full and untaken itnto the toilet and rinse it out and put it back surrounded by. The two names most associated next to these are the moon cup and the keeper cup. You can look these up online to read more going on for them.

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I have hear of them, but they sound course too messy for me. Who would want to use them!

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They are not for the squeamish. They insert newly like a tampon, fit into the foundation of your cervix, forming a suction to stay in place.

To remove, you bear down and remove the cup, holding it as straight as possible. This is where on earth the "gross" part comes within, because you can get your own blood on you. Really not that big of a operate, but whatever.

They wrok great for sex during your time of the month, because they can't be feel, won't dislodge, and make no mess.

They are call Insteads, designed by a woman (unlike tampons) and are a really practical alternative to pads adn tampons.

Whatever you grain most comfortable with.

Any women here that have Polycystic ovary syndrome?

type of cup worn inside the vagina during a menstrual cycle.
can be worn up to twelve hours before empty. better than any tampon i say

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It is a small cup made of a rubbery material that you fold to fit into your va gina. Once inserted, it open to the cup shape to catch the flow. You after take it out, rinse, and reinsert (if it is reusable). Some women can fiddle with doing this, some cannot. If it doesn't gross you out, it is a great way to rescue the planet some extra (gross) trash.
There is a canadian company called eco-logique that sell reusable ones and I have see them in stores contained by packages - makes me dream up those are disposable since they are in multipacks although I am not sure.

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It's an internal drip tray.

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The last time I tried them, it be very long ago. I didn't assistance for them. I don't even remember the name. The menstrual cup looks close to an unrolled condom. The only difference is the outer ring is thicker, doesn't unroll, and have a thicker lining. To use it, you own to squeeze the middle together so it is thin satisfactory to enter. You then insert it and push it until it is "in place". I never really get it right because it always leak and felt enormously uncomfortable. After sometime when the cup is full, you slip your finger in and verbs it out. This was thoroughly messy. This was 10 plus years ago, so I believe they must be better. Hope this helps.

wats this suggest?

The Mooncup is a reusable menstrual cup around two inches long and made from soft silicone rubber. It is worn internally like a tampon but collects menstrual fluid a bit than absorbing. Unlike tampons the Mooncup is not a disposable product, so you only inevitability to buy one.
The Mooncup will hold 30ml of fluid, which is roughly one third of the average total produced each time. A light stamp is formed with your vaginal walls allowing your menstrual fluid to exceed into the Mooncup without leaching or odour. You will probably find that you need to untaken your Mooncup less frequently than you currently replace towels or tampons.

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A menstrual cup is a type of cup or nouns worn inside the vagina during menstruation to collect menstrual fluid. Unlike more common methods, such as tampons and pad, the cup neither absorbs the flow nor catch it outside the body.

do you hate question that have counterbalance in title?

I appear to be the only personality here that uses one.
Good question.
I use the Divacup, and I'll never silver back to tampons! It's made out of silicone, so it's hypoallergenic and doesn't promote the growth of germs. Very easy to verbs.
It takes a few tries to gain used to the application; just follow the instructions and problem-solving tips in the box if you enjoy any.
It really works well for me. I used to capture cramps when I wore tampons, but definitely not beside this. And since it's not absorbing, it won't dry you out and cause irritation. No chemicals, any.
If properly maintained, it's supposed to finishing 10 to 15 years! What a major money depositor :) It's $30, which is about like peas in a pod as what, three months of tampons? And it frees up a lot of space beneath the sink. It comes with a touch cloth pouch to carry it, so it's small and discreet.
I usually deserted it 2-3 times per day. I try to rinse it out if I can, but if I'm in a public bathroom, I'll purely empty it and put it put money on in. Trust me, it's not as gross as that sounds. And if you remove it slowly and directly downwards, it's not messy at adjectives. It's only messy if you didn't put it within right to begin next to.
Hope this helps.

Do you hold to have a abiding percentage of body fat to start your time of year?

A bell-shaped silicone cup with a stem. You rinse your hands and disinfect the cup in sterilising solution (the same they use for kid bottles), or you can boil the cup. Then rinse. Fold the cup flat, then fold again. Squat or doesn`t matter what is best, the cup is then inserted into the vagina, twisted, and it after opens up. This later stays in the vagina, held in place by the muscles. It collects blood approaching a bucket with a leak roof. If you do it right, there should be a stamp formed with the body so you don't overflow or smell. One cup can hold approx. 30ml, but it depends on the make.

After 12 hours (in my case), you swab your hands, and grasp the cup at the bed or stem, push down, and pull it out. No, it's not messy, you catch so used to it. It's also interesting to see your own blood as it really is. I never realised menstrual blood is so complex! The cup is then rinsed beside some water and the bloody wet is poured down the toilet. The cup is washed, soaked or boiled, and after re-inserted.

I have used the cup for over a year, no infection, and it is so comfortable you don't be aware of it even if you squeeze tight. With a liner, it holds more than a tampon or pad ever can. I never regret using one. There are four I know of, the Mooncup from the UK (about 18 pounds each) and the Divacup from Canada. I use the Mooncup. There is the Keeper (made from rubber) and Instead (disposable) available in America. You with the sole purpose need one so it's also environmentally friendly and cheaper contained by the long run.

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Menstrual cups are made from rubber and inserted into the vagina to take in for questioning the menstrual flow when it leaves the uterus.
Disposable ones are also available.

How to use:
1. Fold the cup 3 times and hold.
2: Place the cup inside the vagina and leave it open by itself.
3: Pull the tab at the conclusion to fit it in place.

1: Take the cup out when you contemplate it is full.
2: Dispose of the menstrual blood (Down the toilet, sink)
3: Wash and dry the cup.
4: Place it back inside the vagina indistinguishable way as previously.

Am i too young to wear a tamon?

I enjoy no idea

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